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Western Conf Final: Wings-Hawks


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"They ought to put O'Halloran and Jackson on a bus tomorrow morning. Get them out of the playoffs. ... The referees don't have their hand up. ... This is not a penalty. Shoulder, bang, check with a guys head down. This is a thing of beauty. If you don't like it change the channel."

"I agree, I don't get this anymore. When did it turn that all of sudden, whenever a guy lays on the ice now it's a penalty or other people are looking for suspensions. That's just a great hockey hit. For years and years and years we celebrated those types of plays and those guys were nothing more than good, rugged hockey players. We feel badly that Havlat was injured on the play, but none the less, that's just a great hockey play."



oh well, Go ahead and win 99-0 Chicago, Detroit isn't going anywhere.
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dragurd;1470939; said:
If they suspend kronwall it's a joke.

And that goal wasn't Osgood's fault I thought it was at first but the replay shows a nice deflection...

Oh I know.

But Ozzie shouldn't have to take a beating here. Detroit is going to be on the shit end of the stick one way or the other (notice I said THE OTHER Chicago fans) so give him a break.

And I really hope they play Ericcson more and take Lidstrom off the ice a bit.
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