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Western Conf Final: Wings-Hawks

you know, it sucks Havlat didn't see the hit coming, but to get a game misconduct for a clean hit because the guy wasn't looking when he got popped is fucking bullshit and EXACTLY what I'd expect from an NHL ref


The NHL is becoming a pussy league.
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Is this guy reffing this game?

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Detroit got the ONLY penalty in that scrum.


Disregard Yahoo was slow in posting it, but Chicago somehow someway got 2 as well.

Mike MIlbury of all people said Dan O'Hallaran needs to go. When Mike friggin Milbury is calling your ass out for being bad, you totally suck.
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shoegirl;1470928; said:
Agreed. O'Hallaran is terrible. So, so terrible.

Well Detroit hasn't scored and it obviously wasn't Holmstrom scoring so he had to find a way to punish Detroit since he's from Detroit.

This is the POS who has waived off virtually ALL of the goals on Holmstrom over the years.
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shoegirl;1470932; said:
Oh, I remember him. Hence my opinion on how much he sucks.


Both Versus and HNIC said the KRonwall penalty was a fucking joke.

Now watch those idiots in Toronto (mainly Campbell) suspend KRonner for that hit.

After all, Campbell's kid does play for Chicago. Can't possibly call the game straight or anything.
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