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Week 14 CCG Games Discussion Thread

ESPN already starting their narrative for the SEC spot.

Saying it’s not an eye test, a win is a win (referring to Georgia-Bama), then saying FSU should be left out because of their play.. but I thought you said a win is a win?


Typical BS. They're going to pretend Alabama and Texas didn't play each other, or act like it was 20 years ago.
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Wouldn't quite call it Day's liberty bowl. Ohio State was 7-3-1 when they got the Liberty Bowl invite.

I didn’t say the records were exactly the same.

It was Coopers watershed moment. When (most) knew he wasn’t the right guy. It was one of the lowest points the program has been at in my lifetime and this Bowl game is shaping up to be similar for Day.
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Toyota Jan is selling some kind of blowing thing for Toyotathon this year?

Hell. I’m in the market for a car. Hate those goddamned things but am willing to listen to offers
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