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WeAreSC - BuckeyePlanet Challenge

Week 4
(Week 3 results below)

As always, ballots are due by scheduled kickoff time of first involved game. This week, that means picks are due Saturday by Noon ET / 9am PT.

Haven?t participated before? Don?t worry, it isn?t too late to jump in. Because we take the top 10 from each site, your participation can only help, not hurt.

Suggestion: Because you can edit your picks at any time up until the deadline, why not take 60 seconds and fill out a ballot now, then come back later to refine your guesses?

Please copy the ballot and replace every category with your prediction. Leave just your predictions, one prediction per line. You can post anything you want above or below, but your ballot should look like this:


Week 4 Ballot:

OSU Terrelle Pryor (total yards ? rushing, passing, receiving, returning)
OSU Dan Herron (total yards)
NFL Matt Cassel (yards passing)
NFL Reggie Bush (total yards)
ASU QB Rudy Carpenter (yards passing)
UGA RB Knowshon Moreno (yards rushing)
ND QB Jimmy Clausen (yards passing)
MSU RB Javon Ringer (yards rushing)
OSU Margin of Victory (negative if you believe OSU loses)
Bonus: Ohio State points scored: OVER or UNDER LSU + Auburn combined score (will OSU outscore LSU + Auburn)

Note: Bonus category does not affect any standings, it is only a minigame that I track each week.
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Shades of Gray

Smooth Olaf, BP on top this week and overall
Week 3 Results
OSU Todd Boeckman (yards passing)
Actual: 84 | jcy88 (SC): 110

OSU Terrelle Pryor (total yards – rushing, passing, receiving, returning)
Actual: 92 | krazeyk: 91

OSU Beanie Wells (yards rushing)
Actual: 0 | twenty-one posters tied with 0

OSU Ray Small (total yards)
Actual: 30 | ClutchTrojan20 (SC): 34

USC Mark Sanchez (yards passing)
Actual: 172| MUBuck (BP): 173

USC Joe McKnight (total yards)
Actual: 110 | TrojanDynasty (SC): 110

USC CJ Gable (yards rushing)
Actual: 18 | NFBuck (BP): 20

USC Damian Williams (yards receiving)
Actual: 49 | leroyjenkins (BP): 50

USC Margin of Victory (negative if you believe OSU wins)
Actual: 32 | hpro123 (SC): 32

Bonus: Corso’s pick (USC or OSU)
Actual: USC | sixty posters correctly predicted Corso’s pick

Week 3 Totals

1. Smooth Olaf (BP) - 500
2. gracelhink (BP) - 473
3. ssbusc (SC) - 471
4. buck1973 (BP) - 460
5. tmbones69 (SC) - 456
6. jcy88 (SC) - 453
7. BayBuck (BP) - 450
8. hpro123 (SC) - 444
9. muffler dragon (BP) - 439
10. brdcstr (SC) - 397
10. Tresselbeliever (BP) - 397
12. VCTrojan (SC) - 395
13. generaladm (BP) - 392
14. JmwGoBucks (BP) - 388
15. WoodyWorshiper (SC) - 376
15. holybuckeye33 (BP) - 376
17. sparcboxbuck (BP) - 365
18. leroyjenkins (BP) - 361
19. Bestbuck36 (BP) - 350
20. stevetrojanman (SC) - 344
21. TrojanDynasty (SC) - 342
22. bruinkilla (SC) - 341
23. LitlBuck (BP) - 335
23. luke skywalker (SC) - 335
25. PenguinOfTroy89 (SC) - 329
25. BuckeyeNation27 (BP) - 329
27. krazeyk (BP) - 320
28. grnvllbuck (BP) - 304
29. BB73 (BP) - 302
30. eb2007 (SC) - 300
31. sears3820 (BP) - 299
32. itschip (SC) - 297
33. RoseBowl91 (SC) - 296
34. BUCKEYE!!! (SC) - 288
35. MUBuck (BP) - 281
36. Bucky Katt (BP) - 257
37. winit4drean (SC) - 247
38. BUCKYLE (BP) - 246
39. NFBuck (BP) - 235
40. DaddyBigBucks (BP) - 232
41. juice22 (SC) - 225
42. gefootball10 (BP) - 224
42. buckeyefool (BP) - 224
44. aurorabuckeye13 (BP) - 223
45. DocEmigh (SC) - 215
46. Kueller (BP) - 212
47. TS10HTW (BP) - 204
48. MightbeaBuck (BP) - 200
49. GoodLifeSean (BP) - 190
50. wilberblurg (SC) - 188
50. ClutchTrojan20 (SC) - 188
52. AllDayEveryDay (BP) - 177
53. BuckNutty (BP) - 174
54. jwinslow (BP) - 168
55. WeAreSC (SC) - 166
56. FightingMethodist (SC) - 159
57. Trojan_in_Jersey (SC) - 152
58. The S&G Dynasty (BP) - 149
59. gregorylee (BP) - 136
60. Muck (BP) - 131
61. Lazlo (BP) - 127
62. JonathanXC (BP) - 109
63. BengalsAndBucks (BP) - 92
64. Buckeyeskickbuttocks (BP) - 87
65. jlb1705 (BP) – 77
66. Piney (BP) - 75
67. CleveBucks (BP) - 56
68. FCollinsBuckeye (BP) - 55
69. WyoBuck (BP) - 19
70. Best Buckeye (BP) – 10

Hayes-McKay Trophy Top 25 Standings

(Top individual performer through 3 weeks)
-- There was a “technical glitch” (ok, human error) that caused last week’s results to be incorrectly calculated. That mistake has been corrected and these standings are now (hopefully) accurate.

1. Smooth Olaf (BP) - 1352
2. buck1973 (BP) - 1200
3. holybuckeye33 (BP) - 1148
4. gracelhink (BP) - 1134
5. VCTrojan (SC) - 1123
6. Bestbuck36 (BP) - 1110
7. grnvllbuck (BP) - 1088
8. bruinkilla (SC) - 1043
9. MUBuck (BP) - 1028
10. sparcboxbuck (BP) - 1004
11. muffler dragon (BP) - 994
12. Tresselbeliever (BP) - 990
13. BB73 (BP) - 966
14. luke skywalker (SC) - 912
15. BuckeyeNation27 (BP) - 907
16. tmbones69 (SC) - 903
17. BUCKEYE!!! (SC) - 901
18. sears3820 (BP) - 900
19. Kueller (BP) - 899
20. Buckeyeskickbuttocks (BP) - 898
21. brdcstr (SC) - 897
22. DaddyBigBucks (BP) - 891
23. Piney (BP) - 888
24. Bucky Katt (BP) - 880
25. WoodyWorshiper (SC) - 857

WeAreSC vs. BuckeyePlanet

( Top 10 posters from each site make the week’s team)

SC Varsity
hpro123 (2nd)
brdcstr (2nd)
VCTrojan (3rd)
WoodyWorshiper (2nd)
bruinkilla (3rd)

BP Varsity

Smooth Olaf (2nd)
gracelhink (2nd)
muffler dragon
holybuckeye33 (2nd)

Week 3 Results
BP: 4,240
SC: 4,019

Season Total
BP: 12,479
SC: 10,619 (1,862 behind)

Jim Tressel Trophy Standings
(Best performer in OSU categories – through 3 weeks)

1. Smooth Olaf (BP) - 350
2. grnvllbuck (BP) - 396
3. gracelhink (BP) - 427
4. WoodyWorshiper (SC) - 456
5. tmbones69 (SC) - 471
6. VCTrojan (SC) - 477
7. buck1973 (BP) - 484
8. muffler dragon (BP) - 490
9. bruinkilla (SC) - 498
10. BB73 (BP) – 502

Pete Carroll Trophy Standings
(Best performer in USC categories – through 3 weeks)

1. Bestbuck36 (BP) - 255
2. Smooth Olaf (BP) - 271
3. sears3820 (BP) - 295
4. MUBuck (BP) - 309
5. Kueller (BP) - 310
6. BB73 (BP) - 327
7. buck1973 (BP) - 328
8. NFBuck (BP) - 337
9. Buckeyeskickbuttocks (BP) - 338
10. sparcboxbuck (BP) - 352
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methomps;1261919; said:
Week 4 Ballot:

OSU Terrelle Pryor (total yards ? rushing, passing, receiving, returning)
OSU Dan Herron (total yards)
NFL Matt Cassel (yards passing)
NFL Reggie Bush (total yards)
ASU QB Ryan Carpenter (yards passing)
UGA RB Knowshon Moreno (yards rushing)
ND QB Jimmy Clausen (yards passing)
MSU RB Javon Ringer (yards rushing)
OSU Margin of Victory (negative if you believe OSU loses)
Bonus: Ohio State points scored: OVER or UNDER LSU + Auburn combined score (will OSU outscore LSU + Auburn)

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methomps;1261919; said:
Week 4
Week 4 Ballot:

OSU Terrelle Pryor (total yards ? rushing, passing, receiving, returning)
OSU Dan Herron (total yards)
NFL Matt Cassel (yards passing)
NFL Reggie Bush (total yards)
ASU QB Ryan Carpenter (yards passing)
UGA RB Knowshon Moreno (yards rushing)
ND QB Jimmy Clausen (yards passing)
MSU RB Javon Ringer (yards rushing)
OSU Margin of Victory (negative if you believe OSU loses)
Bonus: Ohio State points scored: OVER or UNDER LSU + Auburn combined score (will OSU outscore LSU + Auburn)

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OSU Terrelle Pryor (total yards rushing, passing, receiving, returning)
OSU Dan Herron (total yards)
NFL Matt Cassel (yards passing)
NFL Reggie Bush (total yards)
ASU QB Rudy Carpenter (yards passing)
UGA RB Knowshon Moreno (yards rushing)
ND QB Jimmy Clausen (yards passing)
MSU RB Javon Ringer (yards rushing)
OSU Margin of Victory (negative if you believe OSU loses)
Bonus: Ohio State points scored: OVER or UNDER LSU + Auburn combined score (will OSU outscore LSU + Auburn)

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