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Visiting LSU fans: please read

schwab;1031481; said:

:lol: he's practicing his "shocker" move before his big date with his "wife".

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osugrad21;1052927; said:
The LSU fans have been a good bunch overall...thanks for a good month of discussion.

Thanks for the warm welcome we have all received. I'll probably post a little more before the game, but as a superstition, I saty off the computer during games. I'll be back later on tonight for some post-game discussion.
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Nutriaitch;1052936; said:
Thanks for the warm welcome we have all received. I'll probably post a little more before the game, but as a superstition, I saty off the computer during games. I'll be back later on tonight for some post-game discussion.

Hopefully your will come back some in the off season and next year as well. It's nice having a wide range of fans discussing college football. Die hard fans having heated (but intelligent) debate is what makes college athletics so great in my opinion.
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Buckeye86;1052938; said:
Hopefully your will come back some in the off season and next year as well. It's nice having a wide range of fans discussing college football. Die hard fans having heated (but intelligent) debate is what makes college athletics so great in my opinion.

ill be comming back for sure.this place is cool its nice seeing different perspectives of fans.

i never knew how much the game between OSU and scUM means to you guys
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Buckeye86;1052938; said:
Hopefully your will come back some in the off season and next year as well. It's nice having a wide range of fans discussing college football. Die hard fans having heated (but intelligent) debate is what makes college athletics so great in my opinion.
Thank you all for your hospitality. It's been nice discussing a little football with you guys as well. I have definitely enjoyed my time here, and plan on sticking around a while.
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