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Visiting LSU fans: please read

Hey guys, I know losing is tough but you guys will be alright, just look to the future and the great recruiting class you have coming in.

Great time to be a Tiger fan, we had some very dark periods in our history but this really is the Golden Age for LSU like one of the commentators said. Had a lot of fun last night, and there were still a decent amount of Buckeye fans in the Quarter last night, most of them seemed to still be in high spirits and I hope all of you that came down had a good time here (aside from the game obviously).

Anyway, I'll definitely stick around here like I'm sure a lot of other LSU fans, it's a great board... great Ohio St info and also very good info on other Big 10 schools, the game previews you guys have are more detailed than any I've seen.

It was great talking to you guys about the game for the past month or so, sorry for a few of the idiots that came but that's just how it is. Good luck to you guys in the future, and with all this talent both our teams have/are getting, who knows we might just be facing each other sooner than later in a January game.
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LSU Posters

Just wanted to say that all in all you've been one of the better groups of inbred hillbillies...err I mean southern gentlefolk to grace this board with your presence.

Seriously though, you've been a great group and I hope some of you stick around in the future.

Congrats on the big win and good luck in the future!
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Nutriaitch;1063350; said:
Ma shak iz in de swamp! We gotz us sum gaterz, big 'uns!!

Coooh, look at dat! Not so easy to pass by yo house univited!

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