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Visiting LSU fans: please read

Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1021632; said:
Can't see why. Everyone on this board (cept for Methomps) is aware that USC didn't play in the LSU v. OU game.

Our problem with the USC fans is they think the 8 X 10 certificate they got from the AP sportswriters is equivalent to the BCS crystal football.
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LSU_Ed;1021541; said:
Simma Down Now!!! Good way to rile an LSU fan up is to bring up USC :biggrin:

COTiger;1021629; said:
Yep. I got a quick case of heartburn. :biggrin:

Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1021632; said:
Can't see why. Everyone on this board (cept for Methomps) is aware that USC didn't play in the LSU v. OU game.

COTiger;1021712; said:
Our problem with the USC fans is they think the 8 X 10 certificate they got from the AP sportswriters is equivalent to the BCS crystal football.

Nutriaitch;1021715; said:
Actually, they think that one is the most legit championship.
But for some reason, they didn't pose with that one on TV after thumping OU.:confused:

Ah, yes, guilty as charged. :biggrin: I was jokingly trying to simulate a talking-head-jackass (esp. the ones who called for USC or Georgia) and substituted teams for fan-bases, but I realize now that it was a rib-jab that was just...not...called...for! Hehe

I echo BKB when he says that LSU is WIDELY recognized as the 2003 National Champions around here. I can't speak for everyone, but I don't give USC much credence that year. It was the LSU Tigers. Didn't USC play under the same rules/system as LSU and OK, and everyone else that year? What is so confusing about it, Petey?

I can only imagine the frustration if roles were reversed and someone else was laying claim to our 2002 Title, and actually had people believing their argument. Shameful, I say!
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schwab;1022165; said:
Ah, yes, guilty as charged. :biggrin: I was jokingly trying to simulate a talking-head-jackass (esp. the ones who called for USC or Georgia) and substituted teams for fan-bases, but I realize now that it was a rib-jab that was just...not...called...for! Hehe

Greenies for you! It worked like a charm.
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It does me soem good to see that more than just SEC fans see LSU as the true 2003 Champs. I think if the BCS (hey it is all we got) is gonna work, then people have to recognize it as what it is. If USC had beaten LSU out for the shot at the title, I honestly would have been happy with our BCS bid. LSU had come a long way in a few short years and I still remember going 3-8 under "the coach that shall not be named".

I see it as Ironic that the 02 champ and 03 champ should meet in NOLA for the 07 title after the crazy year college football had. I also see it as more of an accomplishment to be the 2 teams to make it there this year than in others. Some say we are there by default, I say we are there by Fortitude!
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MililaniBuckeye;1019250; said:
NOLA is very lucky that OSU made the title game, because no group of fans travel and spend like OSU fans (just ask the Fiesta Bowl)...

I used to look forward to seeing THE Scarlet & Grey take over Mill Ave. It was like being back home again only without the crappy weather.:biggrin:
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I think we can all agree on one thing. This is deffinatly goign to be one heck of a National Championship.

Oen of the things that really shocks me though is teh fact that everyone said this was going to be a rebuilding year for the bucks after last years loss. But as you see Tressel has led us to another National Championship game. Another thing im looking forward to though is next year. We basically have the same team minus two players.

Good luck LSU, may the best team win.
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We'll have a pretty strong team next year as well. The team overall will be much younger but some great talent replacing all the guys leaving... Perrilloux looked great and our defensive line will be stacked once again. I think we have about 13 DE's who can all start for most college football teams, and 2-3 more four/five star guys coming in. Linebacker will be a weakness, not too much depth... secondary will be alright but will be very very young. But offense should be solid with Byrd, LaFell, Tolliver and Benton at WR and Keiland, Scott, Murphy at tailback.

I think we'll be competing with Florida and Georgia mainly for the SEC title, with Auburn out there as well... We probably won't be NC contenders but decent shot at the SEC Championship.
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I just have to tell you that the Alabama picture for your signature is hilarious.

Just going back to some earlier posts about the whole 2003 situation. I understand USC feeling like they had a gripe but as others have said we have a system, like it or hate it, it is the system and we have to recognize it. LSU did all that was aked of it and deserves all the recognition it has recieved as the 2003 National Champion. What happened with the AP poll was out of their control, they went out and won the game that they were put in. End of story. The only thing I find ironic about it is that the only change that it created in the system was to have the AP poll removed from the formula that determines the BCS. It's almost like the small kid getting kicked out of the game on the playground because he disagreed with the bigger kid, you don't play by my rules then you can't play. If 2003 didn't show that the system needed some kind of an overhaul then nothing in the future is going to have a chance of causing change.

By the way, in my opinion the 2003 National Championship Game should have been LSU vs. USC. I have never wondered why LSU was there to win it rather why Oklahoma was there to lose it. Just this Buckeye fan's opinion.
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