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vBet on which Hurricane will be the most destructive in '06?

if the powers that be are hesitant about "bad publicity" (:slappy: talk about being egotistical), we could just make the v-bet be "Predict which hurricane will be the first Category 4 to make landfall upon the continental US"

Happy? :roll1:
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Possible bets:
  • First Cat 4 or higher to make US landfall this year.
  • Which storm will have the lowest recorded barometric pressure, at any time in its life, therefore making it the most powerful hurricane of the year.
  • Will we need to utilize the Greek alphabet again this year for naming storms?
  • Over/under bet on the number of major hurricanes in the Atlantic Basin this year.
  • How many hurricanes this year will make the Top Ten list for most powerful ever recorded?
For clarification sakes, NOAA/NWS considers the "power" of a hurricane to be a function of its barometric pressure; lower the pressure the more powerful it is. IIRC, last years Hurricane Rita is on the books as the most powerful ever recorded since it did, at one point in its life, have a lower barometric pressure than did Katrina.

Some people think the "Death Pool" on Howard Stern, for example, is funny... some dont. I don't see how this is any worse than that... I don't find it funny, but it's a legitimate bet... Hurricanes do damage, and people can wager on it if they want.

Hell, they can even joke about it if they want..

Welcome to America.

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Possible bets:
  • First Cat 4 or higher to make US landfall this year.
  • Which storm will have the lowest recorded barometric pressure, at any time in its life, therefore making it the most powerful hurricane of the year.
  • Will we need to utilize the Greek alphabet again this year for naming storms?
  • Over/under bet on the number of major hurricanes in the Atlantic Basin this year.
  • How many hurricanes this year will make the Top Ten list for most powerful ever recorded?
For clarification sakes, NOAA/NWS considers the "power" of a hurricane to be a function of its barometric pressure; lower the pressure the more powerful it is. IIRC, last years Hurricane Rita is on the books as the most powerful ever recorded since it did, at one point in its life, have a lower barometric pressure than did Katrina.


any consensus?
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KINGSTON, Jamaica - Ernesto became the first hurricane of the Atlantic season Sunday with winds of 75 mph, and forecasters said it would strengthen as it headed toward the Gulf of Mexico, where it could menace a wide swath of coastline including New Orleans.


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The National Hurricane Center in Miami said the storm could grow by Thursday into a hurricane as strong as Katrina, which struck the city a year ago Tuesday.

"It's over nice warm Caribbean waters, and far enough off the coast of Haiti that it is still strengthening now," said Ron Goodman, a forecaster at the center.

The storm, moving northwest at 10 mph, was projected to make landfall in Haiti on Sunday afternoon, dropping heavy rain that could cause deadly mudslides in the heavily deforested country. Ernesto was expected to cross west-central Cuba on Tuesday night before continuing into the Gulf of Mexico.

Ernesto was expected to bring rain and wind to southern Florida by early Tuesday, and the hurricane center encouraged people in southern Florida, the Florida Keys and Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula to monitor the storm. It was projected to strengthen off western Florida on Wednesday but the location of any U.S. landfall was unclear.

Emergency officials in Haiti evacuated some residents low-lying areas in the northwest city of Gonaives, which was devastated by Tropical Storm Jeanne in 2004.

The storm was expected to pass Sunday afternoon near the tip of Haiti's southwestern peninsula, where officials said there was heavy rain but no reported damage. "There's no plan to evacuate now but if there's more rain later we may have to," said Adel Nazaire, coordinator with Haiti's civil protection agency.

Jamaica's Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller put the country's security forces on alert and said at a news conference Saturday that all the island's shelters were open.

"Ensure that the children are not left alone, and make it easier for rescue workers," she said.

Jamaica issued advisories by radio and television for residents in low-lying areas across the island to be prepared to evacuate if necessary.

In Cuba, the Communist Youth newspaper Juventud Rebelde warned Cubans of heavy rain, winds and potential flooding on the southeast coast starting Sunday night. Cattle were moved to higher ground, and workers cleaned gutters and picked rubble off the streets ahead of the storm.

At 11 a.m., the fifth named storm of the Atlantic hurricane season was centered about 115 miles southwest of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, and 205 miles southeast of Guantanamo, Cuba. Hurricane-force winds of at least 74 mph extended up to 15 miles from the storm's center.

The Royal Caribbean cruise line said it was diverting three ships scheduled to depart the United States on Sunday and Monday, sending them to alternative Caribbean ports to avoid the storm.

The hurricane center said the storm's 75 mph winds pushed it just above the threshold for a Category 1, the weakest category of hurricane. To reach Category 3, Katrina's strength, the winds would have to reach at least 111 mph.

"There will be probably be a restrengthening after it leaves the Cuban coast to a Category 2, and Wednesday night it will be west of Fort Myers as Category 3. That's the current thinking," Goodman said.

Heavy showers hit Kingston on Saturday afternoon, causing traffic jams as motorists tried to reach stores. People waited in long lines at supermarkets, filling grocery carts with canned goods, batteries and candles.

"It's nature and we can't stop it from taking its course," said taxi driver Patrick Wallace, 55, as he left a supermarket after stocking up on canned goods.

In Haiti, emergency officials went on local radio to warn people living in flimsy shantytowns on the southern coast to seek shelter in schools and churches. The hurricane center said Haiti and the Dominican Republic could get up to 20 inches of rain in some places — which could cause life-threatening flash floods and mud slides.

"These people could be in great danger," said Adel Nazaire, a coordinator with Haiti's civil protection agency. "Flooding is the biggest concern because a lot of residents live along the rivers and the sea."


Associated Press writers Stevenson Jacobs in Port-au-Prince, Haiti; Jay Ehrhart in Georgetown, Grand Cayman; and Mike Melia and Miranda Leitsinger in San Juan, Puerto Rico contributed to this report.
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we are right in the middle of the projected path.... if this thing stays on this path I'll be at work 24/7 and sleeping in the newsroom when not on air. I hope it passes us out in the gulf and heads north.....

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