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(unofficial) Rose Bowl thread - USC vs. Texas (merged)


'We're going out there to dominate'

Laughing in the face of champions: Longhorn players unafraid to express confidence

By Eric Ransom <script language="Javascript"> function jump(x) { if (x == 'next') { if (currentpage == paragraph.length) { currentpage = 1; } else { currentpage = currentpage*1+1; } } else { if (currentpage == 1) { currentpage = paragraph.length; } else { currentpage = currentpage-1; } } return currentpage; } function getThisPage() { currentURL = '' + document.location; thispageresult = ''; if (currentURL.indexOf("?page=") > -1) { currentURL = currentURL.substring(0, currentURL.indexOf('?page=')); thispageresult = currentURL; } else if (currentURL.indexOf("&page=") > -1) { currentURL = currentURL.substring(0, currentURL.indexOf('&page=')); thispageresult = currentURL; } else if (isPseudoURL()) { currentURL = '/news/' + story_id + '.html'; thispageresult = currentURL; } else { thispageresult = currentURL; } // Make sure the URL generated by this fuctnion is compatible with mirror image. thispageresult = thispageresult.substring(7, thispageresult.length); thispageresult = thispageresult.substring(thispageresult.indexOf('/')+1, thispageresult.length); thispageresult = basehref + thispageresult; if (thispageresult.indexOf('sourcedomain') > -1) { thispageresult = thispageresult.substring(0, thispageresult.indexOf('?')); } return thispageresult; } function getPageJumpDelim(currentURL) { delimiterToUse = '?'; if (currentURL.indexOf("?") > -1) delimiterToUse = '&'; return delimiterToUse; } function isPseudoURL() { if (document.location.toString().indexOf(".html") > -1) { return true; } else { return false; } } function writeContinued(currentpage, paragraph) { if (currentpage != paragraph.length) { document.write(' Continued...

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Media Credit: Joe Buglewicz
Texas running back Henry Melton carries the ball in Texas\' 70-3 victory in Saturday\'s Big 12 Championship game in Houston. The win secured Texas\' spot in the Rose Bowl for the national championship against Southern California. Although the Trojans have won two consecutive titles, the Longhorns believe they can win.

The Longhorns didn\'t mince words on the upcoming national title game with Southern California.

"We fully expect to stop [Reggie Bush]," junior end Tim Crowder said. "We\'re going out there to dominate."

Both the Texas and Trojan offenses average more than 50 points a game, and the Jan. 4 matchup will likely feature two Heisman winners, no matter who claims the trophy on Saturday.

Either way, Texas\' defense doesn\'t plan on just hanging around with the Trojans.

"Last night, people looked at me crazy when I said we would dominate," senior tackle Rod Wright said. "But that\'s just the swag of this team."

The Trojan defense allows 21 points a game and 344 yards, but the unit also leads the nation in forced turnovers.

"I\'m sure a lot of people are expecting basketball on grass," offensive tackle Justin Blalock said.

USC owns the past two national titles and a 34-game win streak, but quarterback Vince Young doesn\'t buy into the intimidation factor.

"They haven\'t seen some of the guys on our team that [are] gangster," Young said. "We\'ve got some guys who are going to talk some trash. We\'re not going to let them talk in our face."

Young pointed out that few teams verbally stood up to the Trojans, giving Notre Dame credit for talking back to the jabbering defending champions.

Though the Trojans sideline will likely include celebrities, Young hinted on bringing out some big names to the Texas side.

"We can get Jay-Z, Beyonce on our line," Young said. "We can get a lot of people on our line."

Heisman hyping

Young\'s biggest final will wrack his mind all week. It\'s scheduled for Saturday night in New York City.

The junior quarterback said his chances are still "real high" for the Heisman trophy, despite frontrunner Reggie Bush\'s 554 rushing yards in the past two games.

"If we\'re just going off highlights and things like that, basically [Bush] is going to win," Young said.

Young owns a 29-2 record as a starter and leads the nation in passing percentage

Win it or not, Young has a few friends and places he wants to see in the city.

"I want to see Jay-Z, and I want to see our guys play their basketball game," said Young, referring to the matchup between No. 2 Texas and No. 1 Duke on Saturday in East Rutherford, N.J.

Frank and the broken stadium

A crazy thing happened to Frank Okam on the way to the locker room after Saturday\'s game.

The stadium fell on him.

The sophomore tackle was walking underneath Section 131 as the railing collapsed and sent fans onto the field.

"I saw a fan has his leg caught up in there," Okam said. "So I just helped pull it off him."

One fan was released from the hospital over the weekend with minor injuries.

Banquet circuit

The week marks a slew of banquets for several Texas players, most notably the College Football Awards in Orlando and the Lombardi award in Houston.

It\'s a week of tuxedos, suits and ties - but it also means food.

Wright is one of four finalists for the Rotary Club of Houston\'s Vince Lombardi award, given to the nation\'s top linemen. "I remember Cory [Redding] gained about 15 pounds when he went to the award," Wright said. "I\'ll be careful."

Other nominees include Ohio State\'s A.J. Hawk and Penn State\'s Paul Posluszny - both linebackers.

"[Rod] plays to a standard I look up to," sophomore Frank Okam said. "It\'s a standard I want to have when it\'s my time to be the guy."

Senior Michael Huff is a finalist for the Jim Thorpe Award, given out to the nation\'s top defensive back.

"I think he has a real good chance to win it," teammate Michael Griffin said. "Every game, you don\'t know what to expect from him."

Young will join Huff in Orl-ando as a finalist for the Davie O\'Brien and the Walter Camp awards, both of which will be presented at the awards show in Orlando.

Young is one of three finalists for the O\'Brien award, given out to the nation\'s top quarterback as well as the Camp trophy, awarded to the nation\'s top overall player.

Colt seeing action

Freshman Colt McCoy will be playing the role of Matt Leinart on the scout team for the next few weeks, according to offensive coordinator Greg Davis.

The true freshman is a right-handed quarterback, unlike the southpaw and reigning Heisman trophy winner.

As for the rest of USC\'s offense, Crowder suggested using freshman tailback Henry Melton to simulate LenDale White and Jamaal Charles or Ramonce Taylor as Reggie Bush.

Statline of the day

At one point in Saturday\'s Big 12 Championship, bruising running back Henry Melton had four carries for 1 yard and two touchdowns.

Melton finished with 34 yards on 13 carries.
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Media Credit: Joe Buglewicz
Texas running back Henry Melton carries the ball in Texas' 70-3 victory in Saturday's Big 12 Championship game in Houston. The win secured Texas' spot in the Rose Bowl for the national championship against Southern California. Although the Trojans have won two consecutive titles, the Longhorns believe they can win.

The Longhorns didn't mince words on the upcoming national title game with Southern California.

"We fully expect to stop [Reggie Bush]," junior end Tim Crowder said. "We're going out there to dominate."

Both the Texas and Trojan offenses average more than 50 points a game, and the Jan. 4 matchup will likely feature two Heisman winners, no matter who claims the trophy on Saturday.

Either way, Texas' defense doesn't plan on just hanging around with the Trojans.

"Last night, people looked at me crazy when I said we would dominate," senior tackle Rod Wright said. "But that's just the swag of this team."

The Trojan defense allows 21 points a game and 344 yards, but the unit also leads the nation in forced turnovers.

"I'm sure a lot of people are expecting basketball on grass," offensive tackle Justin Blalock said.

USC owns the past two national titles and a 34-game win streak, but quarterback Vince Young doesn't buy into the intimidation factor.

"They haven't seen some of the guys on our team that [are] gangster," Young said. "We've got some guys who are going to talk some trash. We're not going to let them talk in our face."

Young pointed out that few teams verbally stood up to the Trojans, giving Notre Dame credit for talking back to the jabbering defending champions.

Though the Trojans sideline will likely include celebrities, Young hinted on bringing out some big names to the Texas side.

"We can get Jay-Z, Beyonce on our line," Young said. "We can get a lot of people on our line."

Heisman hyping

Young's biggest final will wrack his mind all week. It's scheduled for Saturday night in New York City.

The junior quarterback said his chances are still "real high" for the Heisman trophy, despite frontrunner Reggie Bush's 554 rushing yards in the past two games.

"If we're just going off highlights and things like that, basically [Bush] is going to win," Young said.

Young owns a 29-2 record as a starter and leads the nation in passing percentage

Win it or not, Young has a few friends and places he wants to see in the city.

"I want to see Jay-Z, and I want to see our guys play their basketball game," said Young, referring to the matchup between No. 2 Texas and No. 1 Duke on Saturday in East Rutherford, N.J.
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This game will come down to Texas' defense. Do they have enough overall team speed to contain Bush, Jarrett, and Steve Smith. One of the most impressive things I find about Texas is they have so many athletes. Someone you've never even heard of could step up and make a huge play, they just have so many contributors.
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well ticketmaster sucks, as I was unable to pull off the score of a lifetime and get some face value tix. For any of you that went to the Orange Bowl, can you give me an idea of what you paid, and how you went about getting the tickets. I know that it will be worth it, and I don't need convincing as I will be there, its just a matter of how much I need to wager in vegas before I get to Pasadena to cover the cost of my trip.
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if we were any other team in the country i would be pissed at our players for talking the way they are. However, in the past Texas' largest problem was confidence and desire. I am glad to see this texas team at least talk a big game
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if we were any other team in the country i would be pissed at our players for talking the way they are. However, in the past Texas' largest problem was confidence and desire. I am glad to see this texas team at least talk a big game

yea at least you admit it. they are being delusional as we were when boston was at ohio state vs michigan. its classic. teams that talk this way end up losing their game.
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You know, I'm happy for our Texas friends on this board and all, but at the same time I'm a little pissed. Texas is going to have gone to the Rose Bowl more times in two years than we have in what, nearly twenty? That's bullshit IMO...That's supposed to be OUR Bowl Game damnit!!...You guys wanna trade? :biggrin:

Anyway, my early prediction is Texas in a nailbiter...This should be a great championship game...

Texas 38
USC 35
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So... my wife was watching E- News or something while I was at Walmart buying a battery for one of the cars... I come back in... and sh looks me in the eye and says, "What's going to happen to the Line in the Rose bowl if they find out Matt Leinert knocked up Nick Lachey?"

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yea at least you admit it. they are being delusional as we were when boston was at ohio state vs michigan. its classic. teams that talk this way end up losing their game.

Delusional? well i guess that all depends on how they are approaching the game. If they are saying this stuff and then working harder to back it up than they have ever worked...well I guess thats one thing. If they just expect people to hand them the trophy then we are going to be in for a long night.
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