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(unofficial) Rose Bowl thread - USC vs. Texas (merged)

A report about UT players possibly being involved in robberies by assault was just released. Hopefully they are innocent and can get their names cleared quickly before they get convicted in the public press and instant-gratification message board world.


UT football players accused in robberies, assaults
12/16/2005 4:30 PM
By: News 8 Austin Staff
<!-- //===== START BODY =====\\ --> Several football players from The University of Texas are being investigated by the Austin Police Department for robbery by assault, according to sources close to the investigation.
The investigation stems from two incidents on Sept. 4 and December 10.
The two incidents involve robbery by assault. Sources tell us that the victims are telling police they were downtown when they were beaten up and robbed of their money.
There have been no arrests and no indictments in the investigations, but the cases have been turned over to the district attorney's office for further review.
At least three of the players may be starters for the Longhorn team, sources say.
The Texas Longhorns are ranked No. 2 in the nation and are set to play USC for the National Championship in the Rose Bowl on Jan. 4. It remains unclear what impact these criminal investigations will have on the team's starting line-up.
Per the longhorn board, two names released are Ramonce Taylor and Ced Griffin.

mods: didn't know where to put this.
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Game over! Beano Cook just picked Texas

Picks of the Week

• Texas 31, USC 28: Last year at this time, we picked Texas to win the national title. There's no reason to chicken out now.

• Notre Dame 31, Ohio State 24: All these Notre Dame people keep telling me if you give Weis a month to get ready for a game, the opposition doesn't have a chance. We'll find out on Jan. 2.

<!--EZCODE BOLD START-->• Pick of the week record: 6-8

His previous three picks in USC bowl games? Iowa, Michigan, and Oklahoma.
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A report about UT players possibly being involved in robberies by assault was just released. Hopefully they are innocent and can get their names cleared quickly before they get convicted in the public press and instant-gratification message board world.


Per the longhorn board, two names released are Ramonce Taylor and Ced Griffin.

mods: didn't know where to put this.

methomps, you might be happy to hear this.

According to the rivals football board, sergio kindle, the nations number one linebacker and number 3 player in the country, might decommit from texas because of the allegations they face. he took an official visit to USC and came away impressed, even wearing an SC hat to practice. here's a link to the board. anyone else heard about this?

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According to the rivals football board, sergio kindle, the nations number one linebacker and number 3 player in the country, might decommit from texas because of the allegations they face.

Um, Texas isn't facing any allegations. It's individual players being accused. Oh and if Beano Cook is picking Texas, they may as well engrave the trophy for USC.:shake: And go ahead and engrave the trophy for us. :biggrin:

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