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2025 TX WR Dakorien Moore (LSU Decommit, Oregon Commit)

One cannot buy the loyalty that the Sanchez family shows, one has to earrrrrrn it. Am darn certain that my mom, rest her soul, would have listened to another mom more than the blandishments of a position coach, etc. Heck, if the Sanchez's offer to stop by Dakorien's house to pick him up on the way to C'bus in the fall for school, wouldn't be surprised. Go Bucks!
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I have started to notice a trend with NIL and OSU. They are not overspending on certain positions. I would say OSU placed the money thus far on DBs and hopefully Oline. Grab your WRs and RB that may be a tier below the top and not pay them a lambo. Won't get the premadonas which is solid logic for me. Save some money and use the money on the elite DLine and Oline
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This was Thamel posting an hour before the announcement. Moore called him out on Twitter.

I hvnt told anybody nothin about any school, who is this guy?

Well, Thamel is an ESPN (insider) and use to have a little more credibility than Sir Yacht.......:lol:

Dakorien Moore, nation’s top wide receiver, commits to Oregon Ducks​

Dan Lanning and the Oregon Ducks made history Thursday by landing the program’s highest-rated recruit ever.

Dakorien Moore, the nation’s No. 1 wide receiver according to 247Sports’ rankings, announced his commitment to the Ducks.

Moore chose Oregon over Texas, LSU and Ohio State. He was previously committed to LSU but said he is shutting down his recruitment and will not flip commitments again.

The news leaked early. ESPN’s Pete Thamel Tweeted just after 5 p.m. PT that Moore was headed to Oregon, but quickly deleted it. After Thamel deleted the Tweet, Moore indicated on his account that he hadn’t shared the news with any reporter.
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Not sure any of us really thought he was coming here. Not a flashy WR class for BH.
Right and why would it be.

JJ Smith is going to command that position here and that’s not even counting guys like Tate and Ennis who will be here 2 more years too.

Only as good as the QB though so if you’d like to go to Oregon and roll that dice then so be it that’s on you.

Give me Ryan Day and our 5 star QBs
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Way I see it.. this fall we'll field a starting team that has probably 16 or more players that likely will make an NFL roster
A year ago we did not have Caleb Downs, Quinshon Judkins, or Jeremiah Smith... 3 almost guarantied round 1 picks...
I'd say we're doing fine.
Fully agree.
And I hope this doesn’t come off as sour grapes. But more to show OSU’s 1st workd problems. But Moore isn’t better than JJ Smith, Graham, Inniss, and it could also be argued about Tate. OSU’s WR room is that freaking good! And also CHjr comes in in ‘26, and Moore isn’t close to him. And if CHjr reclassifies to ‘25 then OSU will have the #1 WR. OSU is indeed doing fine
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