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2025 TX WR Dakorien Moore (LSU Decommit, Oregon Commit)

Per Wiltfong on Moore:

I talked with a plugged-in source this morning that believes Ohio State and Oregon are ahead of Texas, despite all of the buzz around the Longhorns.

This recruitment has a lot of runway. This would be his third trip to Ohio State this year.

Moore believes his uber-competitive mentality fits in perfectly with the guys already in the WR room. Moore's family loves Brian Hartline and the way that Ryan Day pays attention to the mental health of his players.
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Per 11w poster:

Birm says that Dakorian Moore is the ONLY WR that Ohio State will "over spend" for this year. They will walk away from anyone else if it means landing Moore.

Moore is the Jeremiah Smith of this class. Not that he is as good as Smith but that he he is that much better than the other WRs in this class.

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Maybe just two, fFrench and Dakorien. Might not hurt skipping a full WR class, given that tOSU's room is stacked for next two years, and remember we lost 3 out of 4 of the class preceeding this one to the portal. We could spend on premier OL then.....:love:
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Maybe just two, fFrench and Dakorien. Might not hurt skipping a full WR class, given that tOSU's room is stacked for next two years, and remember we lost 3 out of 4 of the class preceeding this one to the portal. We could spend on premier OL then.....:love:
I don't think it'd be wise to take less than 3 at minimum WRs. OSU has 8 WRs as of now, but that doesn't tell the whole story. OSU loses Egbuka and probably Ballard after this season, so that leaves 6. I would like to be optimistic and think that Antwi will stay after this season, but as of right now, hes 3rd string and would be the oldest WR in the room. So if he were to transfer than that leaves 5. OSU then would be left with Tate, Inniss, Rodgers, Smith and Graham. Idk if that'd be enough depth to get through an entire season, especially with the Portal always looming.

And its been said by multiple of the insiders than Ffrench and Moore aren't going to the same school. I will never argue with anyone wanting premier OL, because tbh, I'd take David Sanders over any of these WRs if that were the choice at the end of the day.
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Agree with the logic pnut, not that it matters. You're more savvy than I with the portal 'mess' and guess that has more significance than minutes on the field. Or contributes muchly to a change in schools. Don't think that tOSU will retreat to a run-centric offense, especially with the young guns coming up at QB, well, after this year anyway, when both 1a and 1b RBs head to the league. Did not know that Ff and Moore didn't want to go to same school, but they'd make a great tandem in S&G, competing, making each other better, at the next level. I used to play a fair game of chess, but the new alternatives add a dimension to the game. Almost like the 3-d version of the game. Still don't believe tOSU needs four WRs, but not being paid millions to make those decisions. Does Day get some extra $ if he's got the #1 recruiting class? Anyway, Go Bucks! And yeah, I'd take Sanders over anyone of the recruits currently as well.
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Going back to the point of Dakorien and fFrench not wanting to attend same school.....yet both (?) are CBed to Texas. And both seem to want to pick up a Lambo as their 'company car'. Sooo, something has to give, no? Not out of the realm of possibility that they have his and his Lambos parking at same school, I guess. Still do not see a full 4 WR class this year, as the second tier WRs see that tOSU cherry-picks the top WRs year after year, and yes, they'll get some great Hartline-training, the field experiences might be limited. Believe they'll opt for another team with a good QB and OL, and better chance to get on the field. Fascinating thing about recruiting, you're always right until you're wrong, or vice versa. Go Bucks!
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6'0" | 165 LBS | WR | 2025

The history and tradition of elite wide receivers and first-rounders of course made an impression on the five-star receiver who recently backed off his LSU commitment but the academics were a big key in Columbus.
Moore will be able to structure the “perfect” major for himself and then the team brotherhood, networking capabilities and head coach accessibility were all major draws.
What also stood out was how much Moore and his mom loved the “city vibe” in Columbus as the chatter is that Texas has the edge but Ohio State “set the bar pretty high.”
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I'm from Harvard on this one, can argue for Texas or tOSU equally. But there has to be a decision. Won't bore anyone by going through my thought process, only to say we're not offering a Lambo, but a solid Dodge Durango. And a golden pathway to the pros if one works their fanny off. Best training in the land, some outstanding QBs to get you the ball, and finally, the best DBs to sharpen your skills on your way to the NFL. Choose wisely, young man....
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