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2020 ttun Shenanigans, Arguments, and Surrender Cobras (Confirmed COWARDS!)

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I’ve found a chart that plots Ed Warinner’s tenure at a specific school in years vs offensive production for that school.
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There have been approximately one billion postmortems written in the few days since Wisconsin dropped the Wolverines like a wet clump of tube socks down a garbage disposal. Posterity will benefit from the archival records of Michigan fans absolutely losing their shit, or a buzzed Kirk Herbstreit whispering a cuss word when talking about how bad football in Ann Arbor is right now.

And I guess, in a sense, you can throw this missive onto the pile. It's true: Michigan football is like the Little Giants except instead of Rick Moranis they're coached by a big dumb donkey who can't wear his freaking mask correctly.

But truthfully, I'm a little flabbergasted. I don't know what else to say about a team that is this freaking bad. On the first offensive play, Joe Milton threw an interception. The next time he attempted a pass, he also threw an interception. Then things got somehow worse for the Wolverines, who had all of one offensive yard in the first quarter and then strung together a 13 play drive that ended with a failed fourth down dive at the goal line for no points. Overall Michigan managed 219 yards of total offense, 150ish of which came from two drives.

The other thing is that Wisconsin quarterback Graham Mertz wasn't even that good on Saturday, but it didn't matter because the Badgers still racked up 341 yards rushing. By halftime the score was 28-0 and I was having a hard time making jokes that I hadn't already seen on the internet, and by the end of the game it was 49-11 (or so I've been told, I fell asleep during the 4th quarter).


Entire article: https://www.elevenwarriors.com/coll...level-is-happy-that-were-all-on-the-same-page
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. Hab

November 16th, 2020 at 3:51 PM ^

Worst of all, they are 0-5 against Ohio State, and barring a miracle, will hit 0-6 with a thunderous noise of wailing and breaking glass.

That thundering noise of wailing and breaking glass will be from OSU fans angry that they don't break the all-time scoring mark set by Ga Tech at 222-0. You'll likely get nothing but apathetic, disinterested silence from Michigan fans.
Can somebody PLEASE photoshop "Day - 100, Harbaugh - 0" into the first frames and Ryan Day's face into this???

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I’m not optimistic that they lose to Rugherz, but good god that would be the best moment since Apple State.
I’m not either because I keep saying to myself “they’re bad, but can’t be that bad”, then they go and do things like losing to sparty, get blown out by IU and prison sexed by a Cheese team with a bunch of their players out. I hope Schiano breaks it off in them.
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