But their classes are SO hard! And they actually have to attend them in person!
I doubt that very much. It's hard to find exactly what general catalog courses are offered in an online environment from a Uni w/o having a login, but almost universally some precalc courses are done online... no human interaction at all.
That's just 1 example.
Blackboard and Canvas are universal now. Harvard offers CSX online, a core requirement to graduate.
You can go take it for free, even... and it's been there for almost a decade now.
Harvard. The real Harvard.
The horror.
In fact, Harvard and MIT started EDX - a free online learning platform.
Meanwhile, you can earn a Masters of Science from Michigan... and not even spend 1s on their own website.
That's not a basketweaving degree either. CU and Illinois offer same degree through same website.
Georgia Tech has full on Graduate CompSci department offered online.
If anything, Ohio State is behind on this. I've looked at doing a CS bachelors a few times in past... and Ohio State lags way behind on the degree programs offered in a distance environment.
From that list, I will say that SimpLLLLLe Jim does seem to be letting them have real majors, though that might be skewed a bit by those being the academic all B1G players. Interesting to see whether the rest of the team skews heavily to Movement Science and General Studies majors.
One of their players tweeted just a few weeks ago that they weren't allowed to take their preferred major by the Uni because it conflicted with schedule.
He was responding to one of those 'appreciate your full ride' posts.