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ttun Shenanigans and Arguments (2018 thread)

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I was looking at their depth chart with all the loses on D that they already have and he was one of the few bright spots.

Of their 8 man two deep DL they are now returning 4 star Junior Carlos Kemp, 3 star Soph Kwity Paye, and 3 star Junior Michael Dwumfour.

They have some solid DTs in the incoming class - but they will be true Frosh. They have some serious issues.

Then look at all the kids who are skipping the bowl games (contrasted with OSU) and you have to wonder what the hell is going on up there.

Lovin' it.
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What happen in the dark is gone come to the light

— James Hudson III ™ (@__BallisLife2) December 17, 2018
At the end lets take the road less traveled: the high road. Unless you want to get a panel of all the transfers together & identify the central theme of all the departures & since that will not happen let them speculate. Be blessed

— Sabrina Caldwell (@LaJefa92394950) December 17, 2018
We know what’s going on ... just can’t speak on it...

— Al〽️ightyReem (@_KareemWalker) November 24, 2018

Adding to the humor of ostensibly their best player on defense transferring.

I honest to God dont know - all my contacts are long gone from the program. All I can see is what everybody sees which is a rash of transfers, some of which are from players with a clear path to starting which little to no sense unless you REALLY dont want to be here. Couple that with the (allegedly) high number of players looking to sit out the bowl game, many of whom's draft stock isnt anywhere near the first round, our recent decommittments and rumored losses on the recruiting trail and now these ominous tweets.

Then add in a dash of getting our asses handed to us in the worst way possible in the biggest game of Harbaugh's tenure at Michigan and it sure looks to me like there's a problem somewhere. Why didnt we show up in Columbus? Why did we look so completely unprepared and uninspired? None of this makes any sense to me which is why I stand by my comment that something is wrong but I have no earthly idea what it is right now.
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Harbaugh is a master of losing the locker room. Looks like he's wearing (worn) out his welcome up in Ann Arbor.
I said when he was hired that this was something they would have to worry about. I thought it might not be as bad because CFB rosters turnover 20-30% of their rosters every year, but it looks like the chickens (nervous bird) might be coming home to roost.
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— James Hudson III ™ (@__BallisLife2) December 17, 2018
At the end lets take the road less traveled: the high road. Unless you want to get a panel of all the transfers together & identify the central theme of all the departures & since that will not happen let them speculate. Be blessed
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One of my favorite parts about them getting served a shitburger is how much of the dfbia turns on the barer of bad news, calling him a "toll" or "hater" and demanding he be banned.

There are a brave few who have been detecting the chinks in the armor of the great and powerful harbrau...

Yes by all means ban this heretic who continues to bring us news we find unpleasant. We want better news damn it - post the commitment of Zach Harrison and post it now or yee shall be banished from the MgoKingdom forevermore.

Hate to break the news to you SlickNick but something happening inside Ft Schembechler is very, very wrong at the moment and banning the dude bringing you a very scary (to me anyways) insight as to the extent of the issue aint gonna fix the problem.
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