It’s because nobody likes a quitter. You’re with some family. You break out the game of Monopoly. You’re smashing the absolute shit out of your little nephew. I mean, there is no chance that little twerp is going to win, but the game is not over. You’ve got Boardwalk, Park Place, hotels on them bitches, the greens, etc... The only assets little man has is a house on Baltic and Mediterranean, the utilities, maybe even the four railroads. He has a very clear, tangible ceiling at maxing out at a few hundred dollars for rent when you land there. Meanwhile, you are just gashing him for five hundred, a grand at a time. You know you’re going to win but you have to finish the game. You don’t want him to just give up so you give him some words of encouragement. “C’mon! You’re still in this. There’s still a chance you can win this! It’s not over yet!”
That’s what that article is. Throwing a bone to those miserable cock gobblers so they still give a recruiting website some clicks when the writing is on the wall. Why in the hell are you here? Your recruiting fucking sucks. So does your coach. So does your team. So does your state. But we need you to at least keep trying because it’s no fun when you quit. Your army of three stars are good. I promise.