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ttun Shenanigans and Arguments (2017 official thread)

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  1. [*]Tomahawking4life 9546 posts
    23 hours agovia Mobile
    Who gives a f*ck if they’re a playoff team or not?

    All that proves is that we got beat by a mediocre (by their standards) OSU team instead of a great OSU team.

    When you’re getting f*cked in the @ss like OSU does to Michigan on a yearly basis, it doesn’t matter how big the dick is. At the end of the day, you’re still getting f*cked in the @ss
I don't know about you, but I dig his style. The Tomahawk King. He's got a whole eyes-wide-open thing goin' on.
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So Peters, McCaffery and a 3 star true freshman next fall

OSU has Haskins, Martell and an incoming freshman or two (assuming Burrow leaves)

Seems about even in terms of starting from scratch and all. Let's see which coach gets more out of the position over the next few years.
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The wife and I were laughing at that guy. She said the only thing funnier would have been him reaching up and turning off the blinking lights on the hat.
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