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ttun Shenanigans and Arguments (2017 official thread)

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Whoever was in the booth with Gus Johnson made little secret of his michigan leanings.

Michigan is to The Game as a France is to war, always looking to blame someone else for their losses - refs = the fifth column.
Michigan is the France of college football - great before World War One, pretty much irrelevant since then.
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Whoever was in the booth with Gus Johnson made little secret of his michigan leanings.

Michigan is to The Game as a France is to war, always looking to blame someone else for their losses - refs = the fifth column.
Joel Klatt...terrible qb, even worse broadcaster.


I need to hydrate.
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This might have been posted already, but it's so good.

Yep, Bucks lead the series since 1951 (aka, Woody).

Every time a scUM fan plays the "we lead all time" card just remember they're going back to the days when Army and Princeton were winning NCs.
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Yep, Bucks lead the series since 1951 (aka, Woody).

Every time a scUM fan plays the "we lead all time" card just remember they're going back to the days when Army and Princeton were winning NCs.

Take away the 11-0-2 tsun advantage before we joined the Big Ten in 1912, and we have the series advantage since that point. And hell, we didn't even emerge as a consistent Big Ten and national power until 1934. Series record since joining the Big Ten: Ohio State 50-47-4
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O'Korn had a bad game... But isn't Harbaugh supposed to be some kinda quarterback whisperer?

Think it'd be too fucked up to send a pair of gold pants to Herman and O'Korn for sabotaging/infiltrating scUM? Hmmmm.

reading their boards, they seem convinced that not recruiting or developing a QB for 3 years isn't Harbaughs fault.

One he gets his guy, yadda yada, rolling, yadda yadda look at Stanford something something

Are they still yet to realize he never won anything at Stanford? In both cases it's taken him 3 years to finish 4th and lose to his rivals!

He had one 10-win season with Luck in his 4th and final year.

Yep, Bucks lead the series since 1951 (aka, Woody).

Every time a scUM fan plays the "we lead all time" card just remember they're going back to the days when Army and Princeton were winning NCs.

Even worse, they're literally going back to 19th century days before NCAA Amateurism and playing HS teams.

As Conf Opponents...
1918-20* ..... 2-1.......... 2-1
21-30 .......... 3-7.......... 5-8
31-40 .......... 5-4-1....... 10-12-1
41-50 .......... 2-6-2....... 12-18-3
51-60 .......... 6-4.......... 18-22-3
61-70 .......... 7-3.......... 25-25-3
71-80 .......... 4-5-1....... 29-30-4
81-90 .......... 4-6.......... 33-36-4
91-00 .......... 2-7-1....... 35-43-5
01-10 .......... 9(8)-1...... 44(43)-44-5
11-17 .......... 6-1.......... 50(49)-45-5​

*Ohio State joined in 1912, but Michigan had been kicked out in 1907 for scheduling and professionalism conflicts with Big Ten (see NCAA founding in 1906...) They rejoined in 1918. So first time we played as Conference Opponents was 1918.
We took the In-Conference lead officially in 2014 after briefly tying it in 2010 (lost bc vacated) and briefly held the lead after 74 and 75 victores at 28-26-4.
With the exception of 20s and 40s, this series had been very close until the John Cooper era... who fucked it all up. But it's OK because Tressel restored order and Urban is choking the life out of them now.

May we never look back.
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