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ttun basketball (Juwan out, Dusty May in)

cincibuck;2300121; said:
Let me see if I've got this right; you want this to be an intelligent board, with points of view that differ from your own and with folks from other fan bases contributing, but if they say something that you disagree with they're trolling and should be banned. That about sum it up?

Kinda frustrating actually. But it appears that some folks prefer message boards for myopia and to hate, hate, hate.

That said, it WOULD be nice to get a win this week and a laugh at TSUNs expense.
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LitlBuck;2300287; said:
Well, Hulls is sort of annoying. He reminds me of the PG that used to play for Indiana a few years ago. Can't remember his name but he was a smartass.

TDunk;2300295; said:
Could be a few different players. Coverdale always annoyed me the most though.
It's a contractual requirement of all head coaches at IU to have on the roster an annoying, unathletic Caucasian with a bowl haircut, preferably at either shooting guard or point guard. Goes all the way back to at least Steve Alford.
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starBUCKS;2300281; said:

Maybe B1G takes a look at this video of Glen Robinson III punching Jordan Hulls prior to tomorrow night's game? Could result in suspension if they decide to view.

I'm not really surprised at all that GRIII pulled this kind of stunt. Although I'm sure TSUN would be quick to claim this was an accident, much like the company line was up there when Jonas Mouton straight cold-clocked an opponent a few years back.

I'm be really interested to see if the Big Ten does anything about this kind of behavior.
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[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wv4km408GNk"]Michigan's Glenn Robinson III PUNCHES Indiana's Jordan Hulls in the Face... - YouTube[/ame]

From this video, which doesn't look like it was recorded off the reflection of a toaster, it looks unintentional. Unless GRIII has eyes in the back of his head.
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Guthrie on GBW sums it up said:
Good. I was just starting to forget about the bowl jerseys where I couldn't read the player numbers. This will remind me of that. Wouldn't want to forget that wonderful uniform.
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