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TSUN +0.5 at tOSU (ov/un xxx.5) Sun 1:30 CBS

Great first half but they have to keep up the pressure. When they stayed out on the perimeter passing around, michigan crept back in. Take it inside and kick out if they collapse. Our guards can get to the rim at any time, they have to keep going in there.
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The biggest deficit scUM had all season at any point in a game was 8 points. Had to figure that 26-6 pace was going to last all day, but there's nothing wrong with being up a dozen at halftime.

The first 5 minutes of the second half will be key.
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Jake;2291302; said:
The biggest deficit scUM had all season at any point in a game was 8 points. Had to figure that 26-6 pace was going to last all day, but there's nothing wrong with being up a dozen at halftime.

The first 5 minutes of the second half will be key.

Yep. Bring the intensity level back up in the beginning of the second half and they'll fold.
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Urban approves

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