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Troy Smith Needs Your Vote!!!

timBUCK2;641827; said:
I just noticed that Chris Leak, the previous frontrunner, has been yanked. :rofl:
He's only been yanked from this weeks ballot because Florida had a bye week. The players you can vote for change every Sunday based on their performances. For example, Jamarcus Russel has jumped on and off the list.

This is why when you vote, you are taken to a results page for that week only, but if you view the leaderboard you see the grand total for all weeks running.

Everybody needs to continue to stuff the ballot box for Troy NOW, because Troy won't be on the list at all for two entire weeks while Florida continues their season and plays in the SEC CCG.
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Dryden;642329; said:
He's only been yanked from this weeks ballot because Florida had a bye week. The players you can vote for change every Sunday based on their performances. For example, Jamarcus Russel has jumped on and off the list.
Boooo! That's not funny at all!

Thanks for the info though!
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BossBuck;660590; said:
Come on guys, we need to pick this up. Troy is in 4th right now. Lets go vote!!!
Definitely, go vote. But, Troy is not in 4th. He is in 1st place. The results that pop up after you place your vote are not the total votes. Click on Leaderboard to find out the current standings.

Troy SmithQBOhio State790093 Votes
37 %
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Vote For Troy


I have no idea if this vote counts for anything towards Troy's trophy, but we can't allow the Irish spammers to get away with this. 500,000 vote lead my ass.

Pitiful ND fans.

Note to the mod(s): I realize there are a couple of threads that this could have gone in, but I didn't want it to get buried. I understand the need to keep the board clean of like topics, but this post is not for my benefit, only Troy's.
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