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Troy Smith Needs Your Vote!!!

osufootball727;666266; said:
There is definately something shady going on here. I voted in that early this week and on the overall leaderboard, Brady was barely ahead of Steve Slaton. How did Brady get 1.5 million votes this week?
As already said, bots... a program that autovotes a ton of times. Looks like their bots work harder than ours.
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Well looks like we need to get to work, We are only winning by a few %. Combine with the fact that Brady will more then likely get more votes after next weeks game, we need to get workin.

Also is there anything I can do bot wise, PM me with info on how to set it up.
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Brady Quinn is closing the gap. Being idle may hurt us here. Make sure you keep voting.

Troy SmithQBOhio State1966103 Votes
35 %Brady QuinnQBNotre Dame1881894 Votes
33 %
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