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20 years of Beatings
That cluster of 5 piled on top of each other in Southeast is my home.


and these are just Hurricanes that made landfall on Louisiana Coast.
there have been others that landed in either Mississippi or Texas but had impacts in Louisiana (Ike in 2008 hit Texas, but flooded most of our coast)
and a few Tropical Storms as well that didn't make this map.
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20 years of Beatings
That cluster of 5 piled on top of each other in Southeast is my home.


and these are just Hurricanes that made landfall on Louisiana Coast.
there have been others that landed in either Mississippi or Texas but had impacts in Louisiana (Ike in 2008 hit Texas, but flooded most of our coast)
and a few Tropical Storms as well that didn't make this map.
Hear me out. Wyoming!
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finally talked to my Dad this morning.

still out of power and cell service is a bit spotty.some minor damage to his house (nothing to get excited about).
no damages to my house.

was a very strange storm.
Radar was VERY deceiving.

when radar was showing them to be in worst parts, it wasn't all that bad. Had everyone questioning where the 90+ mph winds were.
but when radar was showing them to being the clearing of the eye, all hell was breaking loose. Didn't last very long, but was waaaay worse than radar was showing.

best guess is that the really strong hurricane conditions were very compact and tight against the eye and radar wasn't punching through those clouds.
so on radar it looked "clear", but wasn't.
then they sat in eye for a while, then back side was dry but very very windy.

Storm Surge just south of my house was recorded at 10.4'
highest ever in Terrebonne Parish.


HUGE thank you to the new Morganza Levees south of our town.
3 years ago a 10.4' surge would have put somewhere around 4' of water inside my house.
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