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tOSU's BCS Bowl possibilities


Bob Hunter commentary: Rumblings

Friday, December 5, 2008 3:08 AM
By Bob Hunter


Most know how well Ohio State fans travel. The large, free-spending crowd that follows the Buckeyes to every football game is frequently cited as a reason bowl executives pursue OSU, sometimes over teams that might be more deserving based on performance. But the Fiesta Bowl has another reason for taking a hard look at Ohio State over, say, Utah: TV ratings.
Three of the Fiesta's past four games have been ratings stinkers. The January 2005 game between Utah and Pittsburgh drew a 7.4 rating, the 2007 Boise State-Oklahoma game drew an 8.4 and the 2008 West Virginia-Oklahoma game drew a 7.7. The Fiesta's only big TV draw in recent years was the 2006 Ohio State-Notre Dame game, which drew a 12.9.
The Buckeyes don't always equal ratings. The 2004 Fiesta Bowl between Ohio State and Kansas State drew only an 8.5, but a Texas-OSU game should benefit the Fiesta.
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Buckeye210;1346819; said:
When Penn State beat Michigan State that ended Ohio State's shot at the Rose bowl and the Big Ten Champion but the Bucks still have a shot for a BCS at large bid. If they don't get the bid the Buck's will still have a good non BCS bowl game like the Capitol One Bowl.Go Bucks

Another thing to think about that very few people are aware of....The Fiesta Bowl is in Arizona...

also the spanish word "Fiesta" translates into english as "a whales vagina"
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please god, let us play georgia. playing in yet another bcs bowl would be fun. beating texas would be great. but i ran into a georgia fan not to long ago and well... i would be absolutely thrilled with the motor city bowl if it ment tOSU could play them.
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As a OSU fan and Alumni I would travel to the Fiesta Bowl. I would buy that tank of gas and drive up I-10 in a heart beat if I thought I could get tickets. In fact, I am already defering elective surgery based on the possibility of the game and tickets.

Life is good in Tucson
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smithlabs;1347531; said:
As a OSU fan and Alumni I would travel to the Fiesta Bowl. I would buy that tank of gas and drive up I-10 in a heart beat if I thought I could get tickets. In fact, I am already defering elective surgery based on the possibility of the game and tickets.

Life is good in Tucson

Did you know that the word "Tucson" is Comanche Indian for "A Whales Vagina"?
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Plain Squealer

Once upon the time, the CPD was a respectable source for hometown pride. Now We have Lesmersis. Yeah, Utah would be so awesome. I [censored]ing want to kick him in the face. I have never seen a reporter who covers the Buckeyes and has so little knowledge of them.

BB73 edit - for those that missed this in post #508
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OK, I know there is a snowball's chance in hell of this happening, but I would LOVE an Orange Bowl bid/acceptance.

Yes, I am totally selfish here, but an Orange Bowl bid would mean a 40 minute drive, and an all expense paid tailgate/ticket from the owner of the company, (i.e. my boss.)

Although, a Cap One against GA would be ever sweeter since the boss is a UGA fan, and only a 3 hour drive.

Fuck it, who cares. Wherever they go, I hope they kick some ass to springboard the "Pryor Era" into full swing!!! :oh:
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buxfan4life;1348041; said:
OK, I know there is a snowball's chance in hell of this happening, but I would LOVE an Orange Bowl bid/acceptance.

Yes, I am totally selfish here, but an Orange Bowl bid would mean a 40 minute drive, and an all expense paid tailgate/ticket from the owner of the company, (i.e. my boss.)

Although, a Cap One against GA would be ever sweeter since the boss is a UGA fan, and only a 3 hour drive.

[censored] it, who cares. Wherever they go, I hope they kick some ass to springboard the "Pryor Era" into full swing!!! :oh:

I don't care as long as they don't get stuck with Utah. What a disappointing end, to a disappointing (compared to my expectations pre-season) season.
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Interesting scenario for Big 12

In hopes of BCS chaos, and justice, I'm going to route for Missouri over Oklahoma. If Mizzou can pull it off, I realized the crazyness of what would happen. Oklahoma could go from GUARANTEED BCS CHAMPIONSHIP SPOT to a..... NON-BCS BOWL! Yes, it's possible because each conference is only allowed a maximum of 2 teams in BCS bowls. That would mean that Mizzou would get the automatic bid for winning the conference, and the second team will in all likelyhood be TEXAS, which will then likely be voted into the championship game. Texas beat Oklahoma, and I think it's an outrage that the 45 > 35 means nothing in the BCS. Yes, it was a 3-way tie, but losing by 40 some points should disqualify you from the title game (aka Texas Tech), so then it should revert to head-to-head play. A Mizzou upset would do justice to Texas, cause chaos in the BCS, with USC arguing they should go b/c Texas didn't win the conference, and Oklahoma would be stuck in a non-bcs bowl, which would be halarious because, ironically, if Texas would have played Mizzou and beaten them, the 2nd pick would have been Oklahoma, but now if Oklahoma messes up, even though they played in the Big 12 title game, they will likely be left out of a BCS bowl!

How about a playoff, where you move the season up one weak to start earlier, and the top 10 teams would be given a spot (and no more automatic-bids if you win your conference AKA Big East and ACC). This weekend the top 6 would have a bye and there would be a wildcard for the last 4, next weekend would be the quarterfinals, and the weekend before Christmas would be the semifinals. Then all the bowls could still remain in place, except one would be the NCG, and the others would give the losing teams another shot to make up for it. There could be a title game, a "3rd place game" (like in soccer cups), a "fifth place game," a "7th place game," and a "9th place game." The bowls that aren't for the title game wouldn't be any more meaningless than they are now, and the teams would still be fighting for the highest rank and bragging rights. Also, there would be college football going into December, which means more $$$$ and revenue for TV and the schools, and the playoffs would be played at the schools that are contending (I'd love to see USC or any SEC team come play us in 20 degree weather). Such a system would be great, and if more time is needed for travel arrangements, they could move the season up yet another week or eliminate a non-conference game in the season.

Is this a distant fantasy, or could it become a reality someday?
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I'm rooting for an Oklahoma victory, and a very close, but suspect win for Florida. If Florida wins on a bogus call, or something equally controversial, then maybe they don't jump Texas in the polls, and we get an all Big 12 title game. That won't happen, but it would reak with awesomeness.
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I'm rooting for an Oklahoma victory, and a very close, but suspect win for Florida. If Florida wins on a bogus call, or something equally controversial, then maybe they don't jump Texas in the polls, and we get an all Big 12 title game. That won't happen, but it would reak with awesomeness.

Negative ghost rider that would not be awesome. Because then a 3rd Big 12 team will be aloud to enter the BCS picture which would then send us to the capital one.
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bukIpower;1348749; said:
Negative ghost rider that would not be awesome. Because then a 3rd Big 12 team will be aloud to enter the BCS picture which would then send us to the capital one.
Nope. You've got your scenarios wrong. The Big 12 champ would be in the NCG. The only way to get three is if the Big 12 champ is not in the NCG, and two other Big 12 teams are in the NCG. That can't happen now, under any scenario.
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buxfan4life;1348041; said:
Yes, I am totally selfish here, but an Orange Bowl bid would mean a 40 minute drive, and an all expense paid tailgate/ticket from the owner of the company, (i.e. my boss.)

Not to mention the beatdown of an ACC school

The UTAH-OSU suggestion is just retarded though, how this guy is a sports writer is beyond me. There is 0 incentive for the Fiesta bowl to give up Texas, it just wouldnt happen.
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