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Game Thread tOSU vs. Maryland (Homecoming), Sat 10/10 @ 12p ET, BTN

Ahhh the fond memories of 2002 and last year when the Buckeyes just waltzed to the national college football championship.

Oh wait! ~ Perspective people.

Me thinks the 2014 Wisconsin and 2015 Oregon games had an adverse effect when it came to the reality of this year's football team perspective. New year, different team, different motivations. One thing never changes ie Ohio State is always a target.

Bottom line, last year wasn't easy and this year won't be easy either. But hey, if the Buckeyes beat TTUN in Ann Arbor, all is well! :urban2:

btw, TX is leading OK 24-10 ...
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everyone in off the ledge yet?

I'm not sure which are more annoying - the people on the ledge after a bad play or the sarcastic know-it-alls who mock anyone who dares to question the Buckeyes' performance?

About ready to ignore half of the people here. :roll1:
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Interesting dynamic toting Barrett exclusively in the Red Zone. Sends a strong message to Cardale, but he has to be infuriated by it, no? That's quite insulting to the guy, but as long as he can live with it & it doesn't effect the rest of his play I'm fine with it. At least it gives Barrett his shot to play, just kind of curious as to how they handle this going forward.
I'm sure it pisses him off....and that's probably the point.

That said...it's bullshit for them to show a split screen of him on the sidelines and JT calling a play. The only reason to do that is to try and embarrass the kid.
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Interesting dynamic toting Barrett exclusively in the Red Zone. Sends a strong message to Cardale, but he has to be infuriated by it, no? That's quite insulting to the guy, but as long as he can live with it & it doesn't effect the rest of his play I'm fine with it. At least it gives Barrett his shot to play, just kind of curious as to how they handle this going forward.

Whatever gets the W
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everyone in off the ledge yet?
Well, I will say I've never been concerned about actually winning this game, but I still have concerns with how lethargic this team, with this much talent all over the field looks for long stretches. At some point, they're in danger of that going too far.

Now, a nice 21 point fourth quarter wouldnleave me with a warm fuzzy going into next week. I do like the way they're utilizing the two QBs today.
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4th quarter!

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Interesting dynamic toting Barrett exclusively in the Red Zone. Sends a strong message to Cardale, but he has to be infuriated by it, no? That's quite insulting to the guy, but as long as he can live with it & it doesn't effect the rest of his play I'm fine with it. At least it gives Barrett his shot to play, just kind of curious as to how they handle this going forward.
I don't see Cardale as the type to get "infuriated." I think he's become a real team player, and if it's working, I'm sure he's fine with it...
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