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tOSU at Rutgers, Sat. 11/04, 12pm ET, CBS

Looks more like the "good" or "better" teams we beat just arent that good. ND losing to a ass juice Clemson squad, Penn State's showing vs Indiana last week and Wisconsin down 17-7 to Indiana at halftime

ND isn't a CFP team, but they're a borderline top 10 team. Wisconsin is a mediocre team. PSU is talented and fantastic on defense but Franklin is their head coach.

Even with their warts, it's not easy to beat all 3, especially with 2 on the road.
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ND isn't a CFP team, but they're a borderline top 10 team. Wisconsin is a mediocre team. PSU is talented and fantastic on defense but Franklin is their head coach.

Even with their warts, it's not easy to beat all 3, especially with 2 on the road.

Notre Dame is not a "borderline top 10 team" if they lose this game to Clemson. Throw the name out Clemson is just as mediocre as their 4-4 record says they are.
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