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tOSU at Rutgers, Sat. 11/04, 12pm ET, CBS

I don't think that's the solution. Hopefully Kyle can keep gaining experience and we can keep winning along the way. Defense is playing lights out. I would like to see Hayden out there - nothing against Trey at all - but let's switch it up. I've yet to see any team stop him. Just need a little sunshine to break the ice and open things up for the O.
I'm not saying it is... I'm just kinda pointing out... Brown is out with an injury and the True Frosh is likely our best answer...
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Everyone calling for McCord to be benched... if Brown was healthy I think the conversation is seriously had.... but last week showed... he's not pulling McCord unless there's an injury and even then it would have to be a season ender for Day to pull him ...
McCord started the game 11 for 11. The problem is that this teem has zero direction.
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I don't think that's the solution. Hopefully Kyle can keep gaining experience and we can keep winning along the way. Defense is playing lights out. I would like to see Hayden out there - nothing against Trey at all - but let's switch it up. I've yet to see any team stop him. Just need a little sunshine to break the ice and open things up for the O.
Trey looks great though… but yeah as the change up id like to see Hayden some.
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I'm not saying it is... I'm just kinda pointing out... Brown is out with an injury and the True Frosh is likely our best answer...

No way is Day throwing a true freshman out there. Brown is in uniform, but so is Stover so that may not mean anything.

We're living or dying with McCord.
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Wow. It sure doesn't feel like McCord could be 14 of 16 without the drops? So the only not dropped incompletions were the shot to Marv and the INT?

Exactly. McCord with the exception of one throw was not the problem.

Seems pretty obvious to teams that if you force the offense to drive down the field they'll have at least 1 drive killing play. Can't run the ball well enough to bring the DBs up and can't catch the ball consistently.
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