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tOSU at Rutgers, Sat. 11/04, 12pm ET, CBS

No way is Day throwing a true freshman out there. Brown is in uniform, but so is Stover so that may not mean anything.

We're living or dying with McCord.
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Seems pretty obvious to teams that if you force the offense to drive down the field they'll have at least 1 drive killing play. Can't run the ball well enough to bring the DBs up and can't catch the ball consistently.

Yep. People keep calling for deep shots but teams are defending two deep to take those away. Have to force them out of it but so far that isn't happening.
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Seems pretty obvious to teams that if you force the offense to drive down the field they'll have at least 1 drive killing play. Can't run the ball well enough to bring the DBs up and can't catch the ball consistently.

Yeah. Big plays haven't been there consistently. Feels like it is both McCord's ability to read combined with the lack of pocket time he is getting. With his lingering ankle issue not helping.

Feels like CJ would find a wide open play or two for a big gain we are missing out on this year.
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