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Game Thread tOSU at Purdue, Noon ET Nov 12, BTN

3 pt game going into the 4th Quarter...

Our D has played stellar so far in the 2nd half. Hopefully they keep it up.

Need some BIG plays from our Offense in 4th Quarter. And NO MORE PENALTIES.

We are way overdue for a turnover on D as well. Here's hoping we get one
or two.


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CookyPuss;2034340; said:
I swear we've had more flags today than the rest of the year combined.

We have had 5 penalties so far. Purdue has had 6.

We've had a couple of them at really bad times, though.
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OregonBuckeye;2034353; said:
Wouldn't been a perfect time for playaction deep to Smith. That would've required Braxton to put some touch on the ball but it's worth the risk.

The deep routes are open, but Miller simply can't put enough air under the ball. He just slings it as hard as he can and prays.
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