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tOSU at Notre Dame, Sat. 9/23, 7:30pm EST, NBC

My concern about last night isn't so much about the OSU defense but the fact the opposing defense was able to hold this prolific offense to a mere 17 points and for a long time between having 10 points and getting the game-winning score.
We failed inside the 10 twice and had two other drives in ND Territory failed by penalties.

We have short yards issues which is the primary concern holding this team back.

All that said, I don’t even care. They’ll figure it out. We have to remember that this is McCords 5th career start and it was vs #9 ND at night and on the road. They’ll improve.
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LJB, at the 4:13 clock, went to frig to refill my red. Wife said there was still time, but I wasn't so sure, given the fits and starts that was our O last night. She was correct, fortunately. When the cameras panned on tOSU sideline, always saw Day in the middle of the O players, maybe Hartline on the fringes, sometimes not. Wondered how Brian was gonna become a true OC, when it's clear he's not calling the plays. Soooo, seems he has the title in name only. Seems unclear (to me at least), how Day is going to hand the reins over to BH, as we we enter B10 part of the schedule. Can someone clear the fog away for me? Go Bucks! PS, for the idiots that are calling for Day's scalp (and job), who do you possibly believe tOSU could get that is a step up from Day?
Saw this as well at the very end. All the offense around Day and Hartline mulling around on the fringes. I think it’s clear Hartline is not calling the plays.

My son-in-law and I we’re discussing the play ahead of the run play and how Day was using that to set something up. Apparently that was the deal. And what a play call it was.
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Watched the game in the lions den. A very cool home bar complete with Lou Holtz signed ND memorabilia. Also, beers on tap and great food, fantastic hosts. Was fully ready to take the flack especially when Egbuka was down at the one. Didn't think there was any way they could score from there. Chuckled at the absurdity of the ending, said my thank yous politely and was informed I was not invited back (in jest). Made my way home for some more celebratory beers. Need to go back and watch the ending again because it's still rather unfathomable.
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It’s a good first step ..we were failing the test when Freeman opened the door Day McCord and Chip took full advantage. PSU is the midterm scUM the final. Glad we don’t have an Iowa pop quiz next week.
Yep, we saw what beating scUM looks like since, in my opinion, they are similar to ND. And The Game is also on the road, so let's go up to Ann's Armpit and do it and have one of the best OSU football seasons ever.
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LJB, at the 4:13 clock, went to frig to refill my red. Wife said there was still time, but I wasn't so sure, given the fits and starts that was our O last night. She was correct, fortunately. When the cameras panned on tOSU sideline, always saw Day in the middle of the O players, maybe Hartline on the fringes, sometimes not. Wondered how Brian was gonna become a true OC, when it's clear he's not calling the plays. Soooo, seems he has the title in name only. Seems unclear (to me at least), how Day is going to hand the reins over to BH, as we we enter B10 part of the schedule. Can someone clear the fog away for me? Go Bucks! PS, for the idiots that are calling for Day's scalp (and job), who do you possibly believe tOSU could get that is a step up from Day?

What fog needs cleared? Day publicly, flat out told the media he was retaining play calling duties a long time ago. He said Hartline and “others” would have input or some such thing.
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I just researched Sam Hartman. Hadn't realized he was the dude who shredded ACC defenses for Wake Forrest for 2 or 3 years and was, not to mention, in his 6th year (going for a PhD??). Shut out for 2.5 quarters. Impressive showing by our D last night.

With one of the best QB's in the country and that rushing attack I wouldn't be surprised if OSU is ND's only loss. They could rush for 300 yards against USC. Duke and Clemson are their only other somewhat difficult games.
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LJB, at the 4:13 clock, went to frig to refill my red. Wife said there was still time, but I wasn't so sure, given the fits and starts that was our O last night. She was correct, fortunately. When the cameras panned on tOSU sideline, always saw Day in the middle of the O players, maybe Hartline on the fringes, sometimes not. Wondered how Brian was gonna become a true OC, when it's clear he's not calling the plays. Soooo, seems he has the title in name only. Seems unclear (to me at least), how Day is going to hand the reins over to BH, as we we enter B10 part of the schedule. Can someone clear the fog away for me? Go Bucks! PS, for the idiots that are calling for Day's scalp (and job), who do you possibly believe tOSU could get that is a step up from Day?
Re: Wondered how Brian was gonna become a true OC, when it's clear he's not calling the plays. Soooo, seems he has the title in name only.

Re: Brian Hartline received the biggest raise of the Buckeye assistant coaches, going from an annual salary of $950,000 last year to $1.6 million in 2023.

Just sayin'; Well, also in salary (i.e $1.6M).
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