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Game Thread tOSU at Nebraska, Sat October 8, 2011, 8 pm ET, ABC

That was disheartening. The Buckeyes totally had them where they wanted them and the strip completely changed the game.

It is kind of painful watching Joe Bauserman out there right now. I really hope he and the team can turn it around. A very rough schedule is on tap with Wisky, an improved Illinois, Penn State, Michigan.

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this will be remembered as the game that broomed the entire coaching staff out. Not tomorrow, but certainly at the end of the season. Not good.

Players almost won this game IN SPITE OF THE COACHING STAFF.

With the rain delays in the ALCS, most of the nation got to see this. 28 straight points. Yikes.

No blitzing. Line backers not in position as someone said. Good guys, nice kids, but these are not OSU linebackers.

But just awful stuff. I just hope Taylor Graham doesn't transfer.

Ding me, curse me, whatever. Disssssssgusting.
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EidoloN;2009444; said:
Bauserman lost the game. Horrible QB play. Why is Kenny not getting a shot. Bauserman is obviously not a ball mover. This coaching staff has got to figure this out, as we had this game in the bag. Fine, Brax got hurt, but I do not see how Baus is the answer. I do not hope this coaching staff is around next year.

Bauserman was horrible, but he doesn't play defense.

It was a total team meltdown in the second half - everything after the turnover. Players, coaches, both sides of the ball.

I think most everyone would agree that they would hope this is the last they see of Joe B though. (and probably the staff as well)

Worst Linebacker play I've seen at tOSU since the early 80s.
At least the DBs have the excuse of being young.
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swopes6;2009462; said:
Guys I'm done posting. I don't want to be banned as I'm upset at bauserman, the defense and especially Martinez and burkhead. Good luck the rest of the season Nebraska and hope those 2 continue to play well so I don't feel so bad.

I know the rules and I know I am a young buck on this forum but WTF is Bauserman doing even trying to pretend he is a QB? The D lost their mind after the B-Miller turnover. The injury destroyed the team mentally and my wife shut all the windows when we were still up 14. I told her she just EFFED us in A!
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jlb1705;2009467; said:
How many points did he give up? How many tackles did he miss?

There are many ways to describe his apparent ineptitude, but this is not one of them.

He gave up 7 with the INT.

Additionally, he went incomplete 9 times. Had the 9, or a number of them of been completed, the clock would have ran out further, giving us a good chance at a win.

When you have them down 27-6, you have to run the clock out in addition to keeping your defense strong. We did neither.
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BuckeyeMac;2009472; said:
I think ummm it was everything. O didn't move the ball at all, and like I said in my prediction, if the defense has to play a bunch of snaps in a short period of time look out. I hate being correct

I don't care how tired they are. They had very little to do for the first 2.5 quarters. The defense lost this game, not Joe Bauserman.

Did Joe play well? Absolutely not. Did the defense completely implode? Yes.
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3074326;2009480; said:
I will question whether or not the coaches even care, and I know they do. That's how ridiculous it would be.

I've questioned that since the Miami game. There are so many things that I just don't understand in terms of trying to win a football game that haven't been done in multiple circumstances where it was VERY possible. Luke shows ZERO emotion on the sideline and almost looks disinterested when they put the camera on him.

I'm frustrated too, but mainly out of a complete non-understanding of what the hell is going on.
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