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Game Thread tOSU at Nebraska, Sat October 8, 2011, 8 pm ET, ABC

Bucky Katt;2009453; said:
Bull fucking shit. The defense lost this game.

I think ummm it was everything. O didn't move the ball at all, and like I said in my prediction, if the defense has to play a bunch of snaps in a short period of time look out. I hate being correct
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Bucky Katt;2009448; said:
Pelini, you gutless son of a bitch. Start a fight! Throw it deep! Run up the score! Fire things up, god damn you!

If I had a list, you would be on it, Bo. Consider yourself warned and govern yourself accordingly.
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jlb1705;2009467; said:
How many points did he give up? How many tackles did he miss?

There are many ways to describe his apparent ineptitude, but this is not one of them.

Bo is going to chew every Nebraskan's ass at the presser.

Wow. I'm speechless. Just speechless.

Maybe Suh grabbed Turnover Martinez while he was there and kicked his ass.
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jlb1705;2009467; said:
How many points did he give up? How many tackles did he miss?

There are many ways to describe his apparent ineptitude, but this is not one of them.

I haven't seen a team completely give up like that in a long time. It started as soon as his first series ended, sadly. Was it a coincidence? I hope, but I have some pretty serious and legitimate doubts. Definitely can't let the defense off the hook for that, but the timing was pretty telling.

If Miller is out and Bauserman starts, I'll flip my shit. I will be baffled beyond the point of comprehension. I will question whether or not the coaches even care, and I know they do. That's how ridiculous it would be.

So damn frustrated.
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Bucknut24;2009450; said:
i know the offense was god awful in the 4th, but still was a 27-6 lead

*looks at quotes from bryant last week*

d players can never talk about the offense ever fucking again

Defense quit when the realized they weren't getting help? Absurd notion but that's about all I have right now. Why we didn't go after Martinez early and often is beyond me. Dline is still very inconsistent up front. And for the last time stop putting Hankins at SDE, even in a 3 man front.
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BuckeyeMac;2009472; said:
I think ummm it was everything. O didn't move the ball at all, and like I said in my prediction, if the defense has to play a bunch of snaps in a short period of time look out. I hate being correct

Up 21 points in the 3rd quarter, ANY Ohio State team should be able to win without any further contributions from the offense.
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