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Game Thread tOSU at Nebraska, Sat October 8, 2011, 8 pm ET, ABC

Bauserman lost the game. Horrible QB play. Why is Kenny not getting a shot. Bauserman is obviously not a ball mover. This coaching staff has got to figure this out, as we had this game in the bag. Fine, Brax got hurt, but I do not see how Baus is the answer. I do not hope this coaching staff is around next year.
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Yertle;2009416; said:
This is the worst implosion by an Ohio State team that I have ever witnessed. Someone needs to be held accountable. Completely unacceptable.

This will probably get me a 2 week vacation, but if I were in charge... this would be the last game Fickell and Bollman ever saw as a part of the Scarlet and Gray.
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