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tOSU +5.5 at Duke (ov/un 142.5) Wed 9:30 ESPN

buckeyesin07;2268428; said:
As much as I hate Coach K, he's a hell of a coach. He figured OSU couldn't beat Duke if he took Thomas out of the game...and he was right.

Fuck Coach K - he's a whiny bitch and teaches his players to flop at the slightest fucking contact and it's ruined the fucking game.
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Brandon Castel is just going nuts about DT not even touching the ball, and I agree..this is why they lost the lead and not able to come back, you can't let you're best scorer not even touch the ball in the last what, 4 minutes of the game?
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Mike80;2268437; said:
[censored] Coach K - he's a whiny bitch and teaches his players to flop at the slightest [censored]ing contact and it's ruined the [censored]ing game.

I agree. But tonight, his team got the win, and Matta's got outscored by double digits in the second half. Speaking of which, Ross just took it to the hole and scored...about 12 minutes too late.
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Bucknut24;2268438; said:
Brandon Castel is just going nuts about DT not even touching the ball, and I agree..this is why they lost the lead and not able to come back, you can't let you're best scorer not even touch the ball in the last what, 4 minutes of the game?

This happened last year with Sully for stretches. Can't afford to keep the ball out of Thomas' hands for so long. big mistake.
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Bill Lucas;2268440; said:
Some bad shots by Scott and Smith early in the second half. Craft couldn't hit the broad side of a barn tonight.

True but referring to Duke taking DT out of the game.

Why the fuck is the ref calling a foul at .2 seconds. Assholes.

Hahah. Airball bitch.
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Bucknut24;2268441; said:
and another possession where DT doesn't touch, i just don't understand

He's gotta demand the ball at this point. There isn't time to run set plays

buckeyesin07;2268442; said:
I agree. But tonight, his team got the win, and Matta's got outscored by double digits in the second half. Speaking of which, Ross just took it to the hole and scored...about 12 minutes too late.

No fuck that. Ohio State went in here without knowing who they were and Dook has already played some top level teams. And Dook is only going to win by 6 points at most. Fuck Coach K - he's over-rated in every way but recruiting and teaching his players how to flop.
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