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tOSU +5.5 at Duke (ov/un 142.5) Wed 9:30 ESPN

Bucknut24;2268443; said:
read that the last time DT touched the ball was around the 5 minute mark...how does that happen?

Hate to say it, but when he's your only scoring option, it isn't exactly rocket science to devise a defense to take him out of the game. Ross (or someone else who can score) needs to be on the floor.
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Bill Lucas;2268454; said:
I agree that Duke stepped up the d on Thomas. Ohio State needs to find more ways to get him the ball.

...or get someone else who can score more playing time. Either way, the ball's in the coaching staff's court--they've seen what'll happen when they play an elite team--that's the good thing about playing a team like Duke early in the year.
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DT isn't the only scoring option - ask Matta.

The other guys HAVE TO HIT their other shots so DT can get open. Dook decided to take DT off the floor and make the others beat them. I'd expect to see this game plan quite a bit from the other Big Ten schools and Kansas as well.
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