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tOSU +5.5 at Duke (ov/un 142.5) Wed 9:30 ESPN

lvbuckeye;2268380; said:
ACC wins the challenge.

this is not the 4th best team in the country. lucky to get to sweet 16 at this point...

The ACC isn't winning the challenge. At best it can be 6-6.

And Ohio State is closer to being the 4th best team in the country than Duke is to being the 2nd best team in the country.
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lvbuckeye;2268380; said:
ACC wins the challenge.

this is not the 4th best team in the country. lucky to get to sweet 16 at this point...

FYI, 6-6 isn't really a "win"

You're drawing conclusions against OSU in a game they were pressing, early in the season in their first really big game, against a team with a 96-game nonconference home win streak?
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Nothing to hang our heads about. There is a reason they have won 96 straight conference games here. We are better than I thought we were. Need to play smarter down the stretch. I think it's safe to say Craft is never going to play like this the rest of the season.
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DZ83CK;2268390; said:
FYI, 6-6 isn't really a "win"

You're drawing conclusions against OSU in a game they were pressing, early in the season in their first really big game, against a team with a 96-game nonconference home win streak?

Right now, OSU has exactly one scoring option. When Thomas isn't hitting or even taking shots, like he wasn't in the second half, there is no other option (at least, not with Ross sitting on the bench). I honestly think that on an off day for Thomas, this OSU team would be lucky to make it to the Sweet 16. Just not enough weapons on offense.
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