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Game Thread Tostitos Fiesta Bowl: Ohio State 34, Notre Dame 20 (final)

Any inkling of respect I might of had for Weis...is gone...

Again I ask the question, did anyone see him shake JT's hand after the game?

:oh: :io:

I was at the game and I did not see it. I saw JT run onto the field a little early and then we was mobbed by reporters and well-wishers. Then my box started to clear out and my view of the field was obstructed. At that point I watched the broadcast on the TV and I did not notice CW interupt the interview to shake.

Maybe it's not that big of a deal when the scene gets crazy like that? But don't get me wrong, CW is an ASSHOLE and he would not miss the chance to get his ugly face on TV any more than it already is!
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I can't agree with the preseason Heisman talks for Troy. He throws a great deep ball.....we all know that. He threw a pretty good screen and he threw some good outs. He still can't hit the slant or pretty much anything across the middle without throwing it behind the receiver. If he could hit that slant or crossing rout in stride for Gonzo or Ginn next year, then he really will be dangerous.

And he MUST reduce the turnovers.

EDIT: By turnovers I mean fumbles.
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Note to High-School Football Players:

As many of you are aware, Colleges and Universities like to send their football media guides to promising players such as yourselves. When you receive your Notre Dame media guide next year, turn to the RECORDS page.

There, under the heading "Most yards in a game by an opponent", you will find the words OHIO STATE.

Thank you.

See that's wonderful. The funny thing is, that my friends who are ND fans are such sore losers that they wouldn't even answer their cell phones after the game was over. After hearing so much of my friend telling me how the Bucks suck and that Buckeye fans are the worst and ND was gonna kill us, I wish I could of had the glory of hearing what he had to say after we gained the most yards ever against them in their entire history. God thats just wonderful.

P.S. I'm pretty sure that Weis never shook JT's hand after the game, but I wouldn't be suprised if he went over to the Buckeye locker room to chat with the team because that's what he did after they lost to USC.
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I can't agree with the preseason Heisman talks for Troy. He throws a great deep ball.....we all know that. He threw a pretty good screen and he threw some good outs. He still can't hit the slant or pretty much anything across the middle without throwing it behind the receiver. If he could hit that slant or crossing rout in stride for Gonzo or Ginn next year, then he really will be dangerous.
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That post sounds a lot like the comments about Vince Young prior to this season. Troy deserves to be on the preseason Heisman list in my opinion and will be.
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That post sounds a lot like the comments about Vince Young prior to this season. Troy deserves to be on the preseason Heisman list in my opinion and will be.
Agreed. We kept saying that Vince would have to beat us in the air. No one thought he could. We all bet he couldn't. He did.

I think right now, Troy Smith is ahead of where Vince was at the end of last year. Troy will get hype for the Heisman. Count on it.
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from a Texas fan on BN:

unichorn said:
Not being prescient, there is no prediction for me to offer regarding January 4, but some of us appreciate this excerpt from the book "Gates of Fire" about Sparta's war with Persia back some 2500 years ago:

"Out front, where the enemy were falling back in wild disorder, the victors of the moment could see Polynikes, on his feet, with his arms raised toward the fleeing foe. He wrenched his helmet from his skull, dripping blood and sweat, and flung it in triumph upon the earth.

'Not today, you bastards!' he bellowed at the foe in flight. 'Not today!'"

Setting aside the language, it kinda reminds you of the way A. J. Hawk and the Buckeyes play football.

Hook 'em and Go Bucks!
that's fucking post of the year material right there, and he's a Horn... is he on over here? i wanna rep him.
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