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TORRENT MEGATHREAD - Full Game Downloads!

DVD Folder or ISO?

  • DVD Folder

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • ISO

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
The Georgetown game is finally up. Sorry for the wait, but I must admit the Finals took some wind out of my sails. Don't get me wrong, these kids exceeded my expectations and everyone stepped up during the tourney in one way or another.

As mentioned before, I will also will get the Finals out at some point, perhaps tomorrow. Greg's effort alone is worth it.

Good luck to Ronnie and Ivan and thank you for laying it out game after game for Buckeye Nation. This season is a tribute to your efforts, including some past trying times for the program.

Hey Greg...hang around...your buddy deserves it.:biggrin::wink2::biggrin:

:osu:GO BUCKS:osu:
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The Finals are up. Sorry it took so long, but I just wasn't into watching any of it until now. It was worth it though just to take a second look at what Greg is capable of when he is allowed to play. It was absolutely phenomenal what he did against some very good and experienced Juniors / Seniors.

Their treys did us in, but of course there is nothing to be ashamed of. What an incredible run. Thank you Buckeyes.

DVDs will be forthcoming, but not right away. I am going to have to solve some drive space issues first.

If anyone has any further problems getting torrents from Demoniod, let me know and I will host it somewhere (remember that many of these "hosted" torrents are already on page 2 of this thread).

:osu:GO BUCKS:osu:
Upvote 0
I just want to put a request out for a seed or two to timBUCK2's 2005 MEGAPACK if anyone can help. I realize that it's size may limit availability, but I'm hoping it's still possible.

I'm still seeding the basketball torrents and am glad to see that there is continued interest. I will keep these up until I see no further downloading.

I'm stuck at 53.9% with the MEGAPACK.......HELP......:wink2:
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