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TORRENT MEGATHREAD - Full Game Downloads!

DVD Folder or ISO?

  • DVD Folder

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • ISO

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I am absolutely amazed you have this ready. It took me until this afternoon to even recover from The Game (I think I was hyperventilating after Beanie's run and it continued for the rest of the game.:biggrin:). Bless ya my friend.

Very nice to include a tribute to Bo. Good work.

The swarm should be nearly as legendary as The Game was...lmao.
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frank10;665832; said:
I'm hoping one of these will be from the HighDef broadcast
Dunno if the Torrentspy one is. The official Ten Yard Torrents release definitely will not be HD, but I just checked Mininova & found this:
First Half HDTV 1.04GB
Second Half HDTV 1005.69MB

Oh, p.s. here's a 900 MB release from Ten Yard torrents: http://www.demonoid.com/files/details/536687/10680012/ If R0CK3TM4NN's version comes out ok, that might be the only TYT release of this game, since the guy who's capping it is capping 7(!) games this
week, (not to mention nobody wants competition between TYT caps & BP caps). Anyways, it was a good game. Enjoy!
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nutmeg7;666682; said:
Dunno if the Torrentspy one is. The official Ten Yard Torrents release definitely will not be HD, but I just checked Mininova & found this:
First Half HDTV 1.04GB
Second Half HDTV 1005.69MB

Oh, p.s. here's a 900 MB release from Ten Yard torrents: http://www.demonoid.com/files/details/536687/10680012/ If R0CK3TM4NN's version comes out ok, that might be the only TYT release of this game, since the guy who's capping it is capping 7(!) games this
week, (not to mention nobody wants competition between TYT caps & BP caps). Anyways, it was a good game. Enjoy!

The 900 MB one is a piece of crap. It's low-def, and the guy did an AWFUL job of cutting commercials, sometimes missing entire plays.
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jeffseemann;666695; said:
That's Michigan STATE on that torrent......
The guy said the game is from November 18, 2006. I think he just wrote Michigan State by accident.

jeffseemann;666693; said:
The 900 MB one is a piece of crap.
The guy says in the description that the resolution is only 352 x 272 & calls it "Relatively low quality" so I don't know what you were expecting. I guess you're yelling at me for not including that info in my post? Sorry, I thought it was obvious that a 900 MB version wouldn't be very good. The guy just threw it out there for people who wanted to see the games a.s.a.p., & I passed it along in case it might help somebody. Sorry if that upset you....
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