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TORRENT MEGATHREAD - Full Game Downloads!

DVD Folder or ISO?

  • DVD Folder

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • ISO

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
neomits;642064; said:
You on RoadRunner TimBuck2? If so it isn't your router, all of central Ohio is having network trouble.

Maybe it's everyone trying to dl the DVD. :P
:lol: I'll bet that's it!


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Thanks as always tB2!:bow: I really need to get you a case or two of your favorite beverage to ya.:beer:Your work is much appreciated.:biggrin:

I had a friend that wondered if I had last years scUM game on tape. I told him no...I got better. I burnt a copy for him over the weekend. He asked how much I wanted for it and I said, "absolutely nothing". After his "thanks" I told him, "don't thank me, thank timBUCK2!". You shoulda seen his face...lmao. I work at an auto manufacturer planted in the middle of pasture near Marysville (geez, I wonder what that might be...:wink2:) and Buckeye Nation is alive and well there. I hope you don't mind, but your DVDs will be well distributed when it's all said and done. The discs are cheap, but I may need a new burner when it's all over.:biggrin:

Thanks as well to Rocket. I've been able to get quite a few of your offerings. What is left is moving along slowly, but surely. I'm not complaining though. I will seed yours as much as I can.
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woodyhayes68;643075; said:
Thanks as always tB2!:bow: I really need to get you a case or two of your favorite beverage to ya.:beer:Your work is much appreciated.:biggrin:

I had a friend that wondered if I had last years scUM game on tape. I told him no...I got better. I burnt a copy for him over the weekend. He asked how much I wanted for it and I said, "absolutely nothing". After his "thanks" I told him, "don't thank me, thank timBUCK2!". You shoulda seen his face...lmao. I work at an auto manufacturer planted in the middle of pasture near Marysville (geez, I wonder what that might be...:wink2:) and Buckeye Nation is alive and well there. I hope you don't mind, but your DVDs will be well distributed when it's all said and done. The discs are cheap, but I may need a new burner when it's all over.:biggrin:

Thanks as well to Rocket. I've been able to get quite a few of your offerings. What is left is moving along slowly, but surely. I'm not complaining though. I will seed yours as much as I can.
That's a totally awesome thing to hear! Sometimes making this stuff starts to feel just a tiny bit like work, so I'm super-pleased to hear your story!!! :cool:

B(uckeye) N(ation) rules!
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Very excellent. I'm amazed on how fast you are putting up the DVD file. Last year was like that if the DVD file got out within a week, it's fast, but now, just wow.

I once again appreciate your work. I've uploaded at least over 10-15 GB already as well to return the favor to the Buckeye Nation.
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Silent Nature;646729; said:
Very excellent. I'm amazed on how fast you are putting up the DVD file. Last year was like that if the DVD file got out within a week, it's fast, but now, just wow.

I once again appreciate your work. I've uploaded at least over 10-15 GB already as well to return the favor to the Buckeye Nation.

Yes and Yes.:biggrin: Your turnaround on these games is indeed amazing. I was going to check tomorrow, but wanted to post about the youtube copyright thing and notice your thread recently posted to.

As always, thanks.
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