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TORRENT MEGATHREAD - Full Game Downloads!

DVD Folder or ISO?

  • DVD Folder

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • ISO

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
timBUCK2;666755; said:
I'm showing that there are 39 seeders and that the torrent is going 14 to 16+ MBPS.

Damn it feels good to be a Buckeye. :biggrin:
so, i'm new to this stuff... how fast is it supposed to go, because i'm only clocking like 50 KB/s (uploading at like 20)... seems pretty slow to me...

edit: i got it from torrentspy... guess someone seeded it there too... it's still timBUCK2's handiwork, though...
Upvote 0
Hey I've been trying to download last years megapack for the past few days and I've gotten up to around 25.6%, 9.76 GB done, however I woke up this morning and the file is now red and the status states, Error: Disk read error - bad file description. Does this mean I need to start over with the download or will it eventually reconnect?

I apologize if this question has already been answered.
Upvote 0
lvbuckeye;671369; said:
er, d/l at ~35, u/l at ~70... is this normal?
It's a peer to peer network, so the more people that are seeding (have a whole copy and are only uploading) and leeching (have a partial copy and are downloading and uploading) the faster it goes.

The torrents are always fastest a day or two after I post the individual game files. I've seen the speed average over 200+ routinely.

During the inital 2 days and after a week or two the speed generally drops to a 20-80 range. I am always seeding, but I only have 65kbps to dedicate to P2P. This is why it's so important to seed more than you take. :)
Upvote 0
msj2487;671419; said:
Hey I've been trying to download last years megapack for the past few days and I've gotten up to around 25.6%, 9.76 GB done, however I woke up this morning and the file is now red and the status states, Error: Disk read error - bad file description. Does this mean I need to start over with the download or will it eventually reconnect?

I apologize if this question has already been answered.
That doesn't sound good - I hope your hard drive is ok!

You can try googling for a solution to your problem, but unless you find some good help, you'll probably have to start over. :(

I'd definitely recommend testing your hard drive for errors. Using a utility from your computer or hard drive manufacturer is ideal. If you can't find one, you can use the Windows Check Disk utility:

Click Start -> Run
Type cmd and click OK
Type x: where x is the drive letter you are saving the megapack to. (Usually c)
Type chkdsk /f and press Enter

Good luck!
Upvote 0
HKBuck;669179; said:
Thank you Tim! You are super!

"Words can't express how I feel right now" :biggrin: (just borrow from Troy)

Anyone will work on the alternate cover like 2005? I already have too
many requests look to have a collector edition for these years games
from oversea.


I PMed osugrad02 earlier this season to see if he was planning on making the covers like he did for last year, and he said he was. But if anyone else would like to try their hand at making some fancy covers for the 06 season please do. I really love how the stats were included on the back of the 05 Alternative covers.
Upvote 0
You can try googling for a solution to your problem, but unless you find some good help, you'll probably have to start over.
Sounds good, I don't know what happened and I can't come up with anything on google. Time to start over! Haha, sucks, but hey only 37.99 gigs to go!!

Anyways, I'll check back in when its done, hopefully it'll finish this time and I'll also lend a hand in seeding it as well for anyone else who'd like to grab these games.

Thanks again for the amazing job you do for us timbuck!!
Upvote 0
timBUCK2;671491; said:
It's a peer to peer network, so the more people that are seeding (have a whole copy and are only uploading) and leeching (have a partial copy and are downloading and uploading) the faster it goes.

The torrents are always fastest a day or two after I post the individual game files. I've seen the speed average over 200+ routinely.

During the inital 2 days and after a week or two the speed generally drops to a 20-80 range. I am always seeding, but I only have 65kbps to dedicate to P2P. This is why it's so important to seed more than you take. :)
cool... now can you tell me how to seed once i get it all D/L-ed?
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