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TORRENT MEGATHREAD - Full Game Downloads!

DVD Folder or ISO?

  • DVD Folder

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • ISO

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Hmmm I wonder if I have something set up wrong? The health is green now, but still around 12kbs a second. I will look at the want faster downloads thread that Timbusck2 has set-up. In the meantime does anyone have any other ideas?
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Wow...needless to say, this game is quite popular :wink:.

As far as usenet goes I'm not really into that nor do I know of anyone who could have a server set up. We went with bittorrent cause what we're serving is technically not entirely legal, therefore we wanted to keep the files off of a centralized server and basically have no information at all stored anywhere on BP's site (the tracker is off-site, heck, it's in Sweden).

EDIT: piratebay.org is saying 23 leechers for the DVD and 20 for the divx, but my Azureus says I'm seeding to 34 peers...
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usenet is just a suggestion. there isn't a server to maintain or anything. you post binary files to about any usenet server, such as one provided by your ISP, and it's then distributed to all the other usenet servers. usenet posting is more anonymous than torrents.

i use both methods.

Wow...needless to say, this game is quite popular :wink:.

As far as usenet goes I'm not really into that nor do I know of anyone who could have a server set up. We went with bittorrent cause what we're serving is technically not entirely legal, therefore we wanted to keep the files off of a centralized server and basically have no information at all stored anywhere on BP's site (the tracker is off-site, heck, it's in Sweden).

EDIT: piratebay.org is saying 23 leechers for the DVD and 20 for the divx, but my Azureus says I'm seeding to 34 peers...
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Wow...needless to say, this game is quite popular :wink:.

As far as usenet goes I'm not really into that nor do I know of anyone who could have a server set up. We went with bittorrent cause what we're serving is technically not entirely legal, therefore we wanted to keep the files off of a centralized server and basically have no information at all stored anywhere on BP's site (the tracker is off-site, heck, it's in Sweden).

EDIT: piratebay.org is saying 23 leechers for the DVD and 20 for the divx, but my Azureus says I'm seeding to 34 peers...

I've noticed that before - and sometimes it reads as two numbers like (17) 12 -- which was this morning. On piratebay.org they cited 12 seeds, so I am guessing that the lower number then reflected the number of actively downloading peers/leechers. Hell, all peers are leeching till they can seed :biggrin:
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usenet is just a suggestion. there isn't a server to maintain or anything. you post binary files to about any usenet server, such as one provided by your ISP, and it's then distributed to all the other usenet servers. usenet posting is more anonymous than torrents.

i use both methods.

Problems I see with Usenet are as follows
1 - There may be a temporary limit on upload quantity established by your ISP (mine is generous, your's may not be)
2 - A DiVX is 2.0 GB, a DVD 3.5 - 4.7 GB depending on game length/ extras - this can exceed above listed upload allowance, and impacts the complexity below
3 - Usenet in my experience splits the file into multiple sections - this leads to someone _inevitably_ bugging everyone with demands for "please post part 245 of 650 , it wasn't on the server, I failed to get it, the dog ate your homework." Given that Usenet service is NOT uniform across the internet (many ordinary ISP's do not carry all the Usenet servers, others cycle through Usenet posts very quickly in order to limit the demands on their server space) - its no surpise that part 245 of 650 is missing - and in the worst case the only solution is to re-load the whole thing. Which could obviate your single upload argument.
4 - Usenet is not anonymous - your IP address will show, somewhere to someone, which is kind of important when
5 - You are posting material that some may determine not to be your original content.

And finally
6 - Torrent gives file from file directly.
Whereas Usenet demands a higher level of sophistication on the part of those pulling the uuencoded or similar file segments so that they may be translated and then joined. Only after so doing does a hapless user sometimes find that part 245 of 650 is missing - which leads me back to objection number 3. :biggrin:
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Folks trying to get the full DVD -- I see a whole slew of individuals from my end registering 35% or better,

this is good news as it means you likely will see significant speed up once someone reaches seed status.

As there are at least 30 peers now (which number has climbed throughout the day) it is critical that the load get fully shared - so please be kind and once you get the image seed it!

To further help matters I have halted any and all other torrents and have given 100% preference to this image.
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I am at 37.4% is there anything I need to do to help seed? Also why is there a white hand under my green smiley face guy now? Let me know how I can help and I will be happy to do so.

Nothing more to do but be patient - the peer count seems to be stable around 30 or so. If you got over a third since last night my guess is you may be close sometime between tomorrow night and Wednesday Morning burn that disc, - just in time to relax and review :osu: The Game :osu: as Thanksgiving kicks in :biggrin:
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