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TORRENT MEGATHREAD - Full Game Downloads!

DVD Folder or ISO?

  • DVD Folder

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • ISO

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Is the full version DVD with the ABC Crew or the ESPN crew?
:biggrin: ABC :biggrin:

Only Da Best 4 BP

By the way - you asked about re-seeeding just do this as shown at www.toritraders.com once you have 100% on the file, it should drop to the second panel of the screen


Right-click & Start or Force Start the file - seeding has begun
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I am at almost 60 man... As soon as I get it I will crank up my upload to be unlimited so others can get it. I am downloading right around 12-15 kbs..Late last night early this morning it was really going fast.. err well faster about 25-30kbs
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22 peers, but no seeds. Is that where the speed comes in? I'm downloading between 8-15 kps, but uploading 95 kps and more!



Now down to 0 kps. 15 peers are sucking down 55 kps though....
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Right now I am getting <1Kb/s a lot of time... I am at 84%, once I get the full disk I will seed through the weekend at least... any ideas of how to speed it up?
If your image file is the only seeded torrent that should do the trick.

There are potentially 5 or 6 folks that could get to 100% before the night is through - and if their torent app is rightfully set up shall automatically go into seeding right away
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I auto-seed when my torrent completes. My main problem is timing out on the tracker 80% of the time. I plan on seeding the full image file through the weekend, maybe after depending on demand. I do have to install my DVD burner though to enjoy the game on my TV for Thanksgiving (cousin is a SCUM fan, and I am ok with rubbing it in)
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I have everything set-up to seed automatically.. I seriously feel like a kid waitng up fro christmas... It says 6 hrs to go... Then I will seed it for a couple of weeks for everyone. I have 3 200 Gig Hard drives so I am pretty sure I am not going to run out of space anytime soon.
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OK I'm on my rarely used downstairs computer. I've been meaning to get on here for a long time. What do I need to get to seed this game and keep it going for anybody that needs it? I'm downloading Azureus now. Should I go back and download each game or just the scUM game?
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I know more than usual are downloading this michigan game...

for those that have the other files uploaded by Rocketman, would you mind seeding the other games?

Its much easier to convert / edit these clips than the DVD files. Thanks.
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