I'm becoming more and more convinced that the average NFL fan is morphing into BWI territory.
"As long as that wife beating, PED injecting, raping, murdering and cheating player is wearing the right uniform and is scoring touchdowns, its all good."
I love football and sports as much as the next guy, but where the fuck are we going with this Athlete as God shit we're doing? Am I imagining this? Am I wrong? I don't know, but we hear about an arrest or some shit and the next thing we hear is how this or that team can get him really cheap because he got in trouble. "What a steal!" if he can keep from raping someone and doesn't murder his wife next season, that GM/Coach is a genius!.
WTF? Athletes are becoming a "can't do wrong" American Royalty and frankly, its getting pretty disgusting. Obviously, deflating footballs doesn't rise to the level of the shit I just brought up, but why not have this conversation in douchebag Tom Brady's thread, because fuck him...