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Game Thread Toledo at tOSU, Sept. 10, Noon ET, BTN

Bucknut24;1986963; said:
i'm in some desperate need of beer

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Nate Williams hasn't played and Simon leaves on a cart. Ouch!

We are going to have to score 30+ to win this game and Fickell seems intent on playing Bauserman.

Cross your fingers, gang.
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Well, I'd rather have this team get this kind of lesson in Ohio Stadium than in Miami or Lincoln.

There's a whole lot of game left here folks. This is a very young team. Don't lose faith.
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That offensive line is not doing Baus any favors, which is the main reason I want to see Brax in there. They have to respect his ability to run, and won't have someone they can just count on staying in the same spot to run towards. They have to be a little more cautious and respect the added dynamic.

On the defensive side, we need to find a way to dominate the line. That isn't happening right now with regularity.
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