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Game Thread Toledo at tOSU, Sept. 10, Noon ET, BTN

Fickell doesn't trust Miller enough to put him into a close game. That seems obvious now.

I don't, however, share his confidence in Bauserman today. He has not been sharp at all.
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Pheasant;1986964; said:
I'm willling to say screw Bauserman's feelings at this point, he's a grown man. This is by no means on him but we need to change the dynamic of the game. Put Braxton in and let's see what happens.

That's were I am. Screw the psyche- let's win the game.

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Stay calm guys. I know that the coaching changes and personnel changes make this particular ugly game difficult to take, but these kinds of games happened OFTEN in the Tressel regime... and those teams ended up with BCS seasons. It's still too early to make judgments on the team as a whole.
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