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If the Buckeyes start their season in a couple weeks and yet your beat sportswriters can only think about articles dissing Tebow, then on behalf of Gator Nation [HERE COMES THE F-IN POORLY THOUGHT OUT SARCASM PART WHICH WAS HONESTLY NOT INTENDED AS AN INSULT] I apologize for the emasculation of the entire Buckeye program by that Glendale win.... :shake:[HERE ENDS THE F-IN POORLY THOUGHT OUT SARCASM PART THAT WAS STILL NOT INTENDED AS AN INSULT]

Which is to say, I have no need to apologize, because the focus should be on the exiting upcoming season where you seek to add yet another Big-10 Conference Title and on the Heisman hunt QB you guys are lucky enough to have.

IOW, the writer is a f***ing moron - and a liar to boot.
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I'm not picking on Tebow or Florida, I'm only pointing out that the floodgates have opened and now, pedestrian quotes are worthy of immortalization./QUOTE]

In other words "I would have wrote this article pissing on Tebow, if he would have lost,then the statement would have meant nothing. Since they won out and won the national title this is all I had to write about"
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NextBuck;1520238; said:


I never knew that Tim Tebow was Vladimir Putin's love child....
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Gatorubet;1521333; said:
If the Buckeyes start their season in a couple weeks and yet your beat sportswriters can only think about articles dissing Tebow, then on behalf of Gator Nation I apologize for the emasculation of the entire Buckeye program by that Glendale win.... :shake:

Which is to say, I have no need to apologize, because the focus should be on the exiting upcoming season where you seek to add yet another Big-10 Conference Title and on the Heisman hunt QB you guys are lucky enough to have.

IOW, the writer is a f***ing moron - and a liar to boot.

Don't think I've ever seen you so worked up. :lol: I tend to agree with the writer. That speech didn't really have anything too unique about. There isn't a memorable quote you can take from it. I guess it's similar to Tressel's "you'll be proud of our young people in the classroom, in the community, and most especially, in 310 days...in Ann Arbor, M*ch*g*n". Probably stands out a lot more to Buckeye fans than Gator fans.
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NextBuck;1521338; said:
Well arent you cocky. Congrats on being relevant to the college football scene for 20 years. Get back to us when you do this for over 70+ years. Also considering that we also have a National Title, have more conference titles this decade, have a better W/L this decade, and have played in more NC games this decade I wouldnt really call us "emasculated"...

Just saying

"You haven't played in the SEC though!!!11!!"
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:lol: "You must spread rep around before giving it to Nextbuck again..."

And that was before I saw the response in Buckeneye's post of the part he deleted. :slappy:

Guys - I was saying that the writer does you a disservice by his article, and makes you look whiny, when you are indeed on such a program high right now -accomplishment wise - that there is no need to waste bandwidth on a negative Tebow article when your here and now is so damn bright..

We are more than relevant the last twenty years - we've been damn near dominant. I think that we will have the longest streak of non-losing seasons in college Division I football if the NCAA yanks a few wins from FSU for their use of ineligible players. And even second is not too shabby. Of course you are not emasculated - that was sarcasm. Sorry - the emoticon system is lacking. I blame BKB. :paranoid:

And hearing about wins 70 years ago makes you look like the fans of some other program who has to fall back on historic leather helmet stats. Don't do that. Your right now is good enough to do keep you from going there.
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Well arent you cocky. Congrats on being relevant to the college football scene for 20 years. Get back to us when you do this for over 70+ years. Also considering that we also have a National Title, have more conference titles this decade, have a better W/L this decade, and have played in more NC games this decade I wouldnt really call us "emasculated"...

Just saying

I'll step up to the plate here and take issue with this statement. What the fuck do you mean by relevant? If you measure it by National Championships, was Ohio State not relevant in the years between 1970 and 2002 (of course not). Are programs only relevant when they produce Heisman trophy winners? Do they have to consistently win the biggest game on their schedule and beat their arch rivals? What about the success and volume of the professional players the program produces? What about the notiriety of the Coaching staff and their ability to recruit nationwide - does that define relevance?

Why not just come out and say it NextBuck? "Our program has more National Titles than yours, ergo, the current praise being heaped on your program is small potatos, no matter how talented your program is."

I'd respect that statement a helluva lot more than speaking in generalities and throwing out non-defined terms like "relevant."
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Gatorubet;1521366; said:
Guys - I was saying that the writer does you a disservice by his article, and makes you look whiny, when you are indeed on such a program high right now -accomplishment wise - that there is no need to waste bandwidth on a negative Tebow article when your here and now is so damn bright..

Arace reflects on our fanbase about as much as Decker does on yours. He's the local paper's B-team beat guy (typically covers hockey) punching up some copy late in the offseason and joining the legions suffering from Tebow-exhaustion. The guys who matter at the Dispatch (May, Gordon and yes, even Hunter) are focused squarely on the task at hand for OSU, as are the fans.
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osubuckeyes2731;1517309; said:
He looks like an ostrich.


Screaming LOL!!

Mercy! Does the term "goody-two-shoes" ring a bell with anybody?

I get it, already. TT is soooooooo righteous, JC asks him for advice. And, maybe, a couple seasons back, if TT hadn't ripped my heart out & pXXd holy water on it, I wouldn't mind him so much. As it is, I sorta gag at the sound of his name.

Personally, I'd like to see somebody (anybody) else take the Heisman home. Perhaps Colt McCoy will have a brilliant year. If they give it to TT, the SEC will NEVER--and I mean, NOT EVER--shut up about it. And I sorta want them to...shut up, that is.
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localyokel;1521716; said:
Personally, I'd like to see somebody (anybody) else take the Heisman home. Perhaps Colt McCoy will have a brilliant year. If they give it to TT, the SEC will NEVER--and I mean, NOT EVER--shut up about it. And I sorta want them to...shut up, that is.

#1. You clearly don't know much about SEC fans. Your sentence should read: "Florida will NEVER--and I mean, NOT EVER--shut up about it." While our conference is notorious for beating our chests in solidarity during bowl season, rarely does it extend beyond that level. If you think we're going to openly root for one of our conference opponents to earn additional post season awards, you are mistaken. Gator, Nutria, AuburnBuckeye - please back me up on this - or call me a faggot, your choice.

#2. I didn't have an account at the time - but I'm curious to know if the level of hostility in Buckeye Nation for "TEBOW MANIA" as reported by ESPN and national media syndicates is equal to the "ZOMG - USC IS THE BEST TEAM IN THE HISTORY OF EVER!!!!111" circa 2005-2007?
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BigWoof31;1521721; said:
#2. I didn't have an account at the time - but I'm curious to know if the level of hostility in Buckeye Nation for "TEBOW MANIA" as reported by ESPN and national media syndicates is equal to the "ZOMG - USC IS THE BEST TEAM IN THE HISTORY OF EVER!!!!111" circa 2005-2007?
These two things are not even comparable.

The USC juggernaut got plenty of pub in 2005, but 90% of it was justified on the basis of the way they absolutely dismantled Oklahoma in the Orange Bowl in 2004, and continued that on through the entire 2005 regular season. Remember, this was a team that hadn't lost since Sept of 2003, and in three seasons had scored 1,600+ points. In the 2005 regular season, Southern Cal hung 50 or more on seven of their twelve opponents, including 70 on Arkansas. So, having noted all that, while the "greatest team ever" nonsense was ultimately taken too far by ESPN before Vince Young did his thing, I'm pretty certain nobody ever promised me that spending 10 minutes with the USC offense would make me a better person or increase the quality of my life.
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BigWoof31;1521721; said:
#1. You clearly don't know much about SEC fans. Your sentence should read: "Florida will NEVER--and I mean, NOT EVER--shut up about it." While our conference is notorious for beating our chests in solidarity during bowl season, rarely does it extend beyond that level. If you think we're going to openly root for one of our conference opponents to earn additional post season awards, you are mistaken. Gator, Nutria, AuburnBuckeye - please back me up on this - or call me a faggot, your choice.

Fair enough. I mis-spoke (uh, mis-wrote). Of course, rivalries within a conference are usually the most powerful & venom-filled. My bad.
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