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Im 99% sure that a coach can tell about a prospect to one person, as long as its not a public speaking engagement or something along those lines. Thats just what ive been told. I might be wrong on the more finer points but im pretty sure thats the deal. Im sorry i wont talk anymore.
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ScarletFever said:
BFH, I dont want to be a bad guy here but I think you are walking a fine line providing quotes from the coaches concerning recruits publically like this....I'm not claiming to know what the rules are, but your comments about Antoine Perez in another thread quoted coach Hazell....I know for fact, the coaches cannot comment "publically" about recruits, which is why the recruiting sites have limited information when comes to offers and such (the exception being the information from the recruits themselves). I just don't think its a good idea to share these discussions if they really occured. Maybe you should ask one of the mods here or an admin at another site (Bucknuts perhaps) and see what the protocol is? Just a thought........

You don't think coaches can talk to recruits about other recruits? Come on. You don't think they're telling Chris Wells to work on Smith and Brown? Of course they are. Commenting to another recruit is not commenting to the public.
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ScarletFever said:
BFH, I dont want to be a bad guy here but I think you are walking a fine line providing quotes from the coaches concerning recruits publically like this....I'm not claiming to know what the rules are, but your comments about Antoine Perez in another thread quoted coach Hazell....I know for fact, the coaches cannot comment "publically" about recruits, which is why the recruiting sites have limited information when comes to offers and such (the exception being the information from the recruits themselves). I just don't think its a good idea to share these discussions if they really occured. Maybe you should ask one of the mods here or an admin at another site (Bucknuts perhaps) and see what the protocol is? Just a thought........
A) His name is Antwine Perez, so start by getting the kid's name right.

B) BFH did not quote Coach Hazell in the Perez ot Tebow threads, merely passed along what he heard. Coach Hazell is not allowed to "publically" comment on a recruit, but if BFH overheard Hazell talking to another recruit or to another coach about Perez or Tebow, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this.

BFH, keep contributing however much you see fit to contribute. We monitor every thread and we will quickly step in if anything is over the line. But so far everything you have posted is fully legit...

Now, back to Tebow...
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G8erBait said:
If Henton verbales to OSU, what does that mean for OSU and Tim Tebow?
I think it is obvious that the staff has Henton as their #1 QB target. Make no mistake about it, Henton is a QB not an Athlete. Without knowing exactly what the staff is thinking, it is hard to speculate how one recruit's decision would affect another, but you have to think that if Henton verbals to OSU, knowing that the staff is either looking for 1 QB or none in this class, they would obviously cool on Tebow. But that is purely speculative on my part...
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I live in Hoover Alabama. The have a great team but they have been ranked in the top 10 in the country the last few seasons. Its pretty much a joke. They are good but would not be a top team in Pennsylavania, Ohio, Florida, Cali, or Texas. They might be a top 100 school but 2 is just too high.
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That boy is a competitor. I've been really impressed by his toughness and the way he looks off defenders not to mention his arm strength and accuracy. Great game so far. A real chess match with two offenses that refuse to be stopped.
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He looks real good. Talk about a shootout here in the second half. Hoover's QB is good too. Couple mistakes in the first half with those picks, but overall he throws the ball real well, has a strong arm. Both QB's are tough, not afraid to take hits.
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I agree, Tebow looks great. I think the announcers were right in saying that, in addition to his amazing physical talent, he really brings the unspoken "field general" attitude to the QB position. Pretty amazing for a kid that hasn't even played his senior season yet. Also, not making mistakes is something that I'm sure has college coaches drooling.
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bucksfan79 said:
I agree, Tebow looks great. I think the announcers were right in saying that, in addition to his amazing physical talent, he really brings the unspoken "field general" attitude to the QB position. Pretty amazing for a kid that hasn't even played his senior season yet. Also, not making mistakes is something that I'm sure has college coaches drooling.
His best play of the day was the bad snap he scooped in the endzone and threw away.

Great play and indicative of his poise.

Huge INT for Nease.
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