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The Wit and Wisdom of Annie Apple

Agreed - Annie is a hoot but seriously...free travel for the families? Why? Do colleges give free travel for families to come watch their children graduate? No - yet they should pay that for them to watch a game?

It's a privilege, not a right, to watch your children play in person at that level.
Because it's their kids who are the reason the bowl is even going on.
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This would get complicated really quickly. What if a kid has 10 siblings...four legal guardians...not every school could afford this. Do this for football, then the same for basketball tournament with multiple locations? What about other sports? Or do you only do it for revenue producing sports? There aren't easy answers here.
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This would get complicated really quickly. What if a kid has 10 siblings...four legal guardians...not every school could afford this. Do this for football, then the same for basketball tournament with multiple locations? What about other sports? Or do you only do it for revenue producing sports? There aren't easy answers here.

There are easy answers.
Parents. Biological/adopted.
Revenue only.
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Because funding one section of non-athletes could lead to funding to another section of non-athletes...the argument is indeed related to the original point. Thus, not a straw man argument...
You're creating a mythical argument not being made by anyone that is easy to knock down, aka a strawman. The fact that you think someone will someday argue something stupid does not make it an actual argument.
Talk about a straw man argument...

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The amount of money involved in the post seasons of men's basketball and football has increased exponentially year after year after year. Coaches salaries, assistant coach salaries, uniform contracts, tv money, merchandise licensing, bowl and tournament revenue. ..it's astronomical compared to even ten years ago. The cost of a scholarship has increased as well but income has far outpaced revenue. It's ridiculous that they still claim there's no extra money. It's there. I can't think of a better use, and a better PR move amid growing support for players to be paid, than to look out for the families of the guys earning the money. It's the right thing to do.

I don't think it's an issue of Universities saying "money isn't there"; rather it's an issue that they're not allowed by NCAA to provide such benefits.
This is one of the things I'd expect to change soon enough for the A5.
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This would get complicated really quickly. What if a kid has 10 siblings...four legal guardians...not every school could afford this. Do this for football, then the same for basketball tournament with multiple locations? What about other sports? Or do you only do it for revenue producing sports? There aren't easy answers here.
I agree it can get complicated. That's always the rebuttal for increased compensation (and a valid one). The NCAA is a farce and exploitation but if you fix one part of it, the whole thing might come toppling down.
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My kid ran in the NCAA national track meet. Nobody offered to fly my wife and me to Austin, TX to watch her run. Nor will they offer to fly the Buckeye Women's Hockey parents to the Frozen Four if they make it that far.

Sorry, but this one should be a non-starter in my IMO. The camel's nose is into the tent, though.
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Because it's their kids who are the reason the bowl is even going on.

Come on now....that's a pretty weak answer and a slippery slope if I ever saw one.

So I take it we should also have them travel to every game, not just bowl games right?

They're getting a free college education and an opportunity to continue their dreams at an NFL level if they are so able to. Let's stop with this ridiculous belief that families should get to ride their kids coat tails to every game and bowl game because of their kids talents, not theirs. Their kids have been rewarded for that - a full ride to a prestigious university. If you want to talk stipend for the kid that's one thing, this is another.
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  1. Tony Gerdeman ‏@GerdOZone 10m10 minutes ago
    The thing about Harbaugh to Michigan is that if it wasn't going to happen, it would have already not happened by now.

  2. Annie Apple ‏@SurvivinAmerica 2m2 minutes ago
    @GerdOZone it's not going to happen. Would be huge mistake. Plus he can't go from Stanford to San Fran to UM. Gotta keep the S synergy going

  3. Tony Gerdeman ‏@GerdOZone 13s13 seconds ago
    @SurvivinAmerica What do you mean? Stanford to San Francisco to the school up north. SSSynergy!

Helloooo... scUM... duh
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Come on now....that's a pretty weak answer and a slippery slope if I ever saw one.

So I take it we should also have them travel to every game, not just bowl games right?

They're getting a free college education and an opportunity to continue their dreams at an NFL level if they are so able to. Let's stop with this ridiculous belief that families should get to ride their kids coat tails to every game and bowl game because of their kids talents, not theirs. Their kids have been rewarded for that - a full ride to a prestigious university. If you want to talk stipend for the kid that's one thing, this is another.
Not every game. You don't see the difference between Playoff #1, possibly Playoff #2 and @Indiana? Come on.
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There are easy answers.
Parents. Biological/adopted.
Revenue only.
There are plenty of kids with 4 parents because of divorce. That ok? Do you pay for expenses while they are there? If there are siblings left at home, is that a concern in terms of expenses?

Edit: you say revenue sports only, but some athletic depts couldn't handle that, because they don't rake in what tOSU does. So that would pose a problem. It isn't simple.
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You're creating a mythical argument not being made by anyone that is easy to knock down, aka a strawman. The fact that you think someone will someday argue something stupid does not make it an actual argument.


Wow, you have no clue. You compare kids on scholarship to
You're creating a mythical argument not being made by anyone that is easy to knock down, aka a strawman. The fact that you think someone will someday argue something stupid does not make it an actual argument.


I did not make the initial accusation of straw man here, and it's not a straw man, despite how hard you try to pound that square peg into a round hole. So just stop trying. I'm already tired of showing you--and others--how expanding a selection set is not a straw man (funding to student family travel could trickle outside the direct football organization). Your not agreeing with the position does not in of itslef make it a straw man.

If you want a good example of a straw man argument, look no further than you comparison of football players to "elite revenue producers" of a company raking in billions...those "elite revenue producers" would be top-level stock traders, CEOs, etc., which would equate more to the HC, OC, and DC, not the roster of players down to and including the walk-ons who would travel to the CCG and playoff games, and whose real top-priority responsibility is being a student, not a football player.
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I did not make the initial accusation of straw man here, and it's not a straw man, despite how hard you try to pound that square peg into a round hole. So just stop trying. I'm already tired of showing you--and others--how expanding a selection set is not a straw man (funding to student family travel could trickle outside the direct football organization). Your not agreeing with the position does not in of itslef make it a straw man.
It is an argument that no one is making.
It is an argument brought up to be absurd and flimsy so you can knock it down easily. Funding all alumni travel? That was tossed out to be absurd and trivialize the entire concept as a result, unless you strangely believe it would be requested let alone possible to fund all alumni travel.
If you want a good example of a straw man argument, look no further than you comparison of football players to "elite revenue producers" of a company raking in billions...
That is your hypothetical. You asked if a giant business should pay for your family's vacation, and I said yes you probably would get that perk if you generate huge money for them. I was responding to your hypothetical with how I think the business world works and how it correlates to football players.

I was not misrepresenting your argument in order to easily defeat it and I certainly wasn't inventing fictitious arguments for you. Where is the strawman?
those "elite revenue producers" would be top-level stock traders, CEOs, etc., which would equate more to the HC, OC, and DC, not the roster of players down to and including the walk-ons who would travel to the CCG and playoff games, and whose real top-priority responsibility is being a student, not a football player.
They're closer to buckeyetn's salesmen reference, but again, the whole thing is a iffy. This is where the comparison does not hold up, because there is no similarity between football and business world exploited employees who are exploited blatantly but it's allowed because of the very valuable training, education and work opportunity that they are provided. The business world does frequently reward huge revenue generators with perks including the occasional expense account or write off on trips.

A buckeye football recruit's real top priority is playing football and generating huge revenue for the school. That's why he's admitted to a top academic program with bad grades (but above standards) in comparison to the rest of the student body. The program and coaches make a strong effort to ensure that these players pursue a legitimate major on top of football to fall back upon, which some do (and even less end up using those degrees). The time requirement and pursuit of their first dream often makes it difficult for them to chase rigorous and challenging degrees. There are exceptions to that but we're all big boys and know what the deal is.

If their real top-priority responsibility was being a student, they would be at Northwestern or Harvard instead of Ohio State (and especially would not attend certain football powerhouses).
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