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Game Thread THE GAME, TSUN at tOSU, Sat Nov 27, Noon ET, ESPN/ABC

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ant80;1817027; said:
I have a bad feeling about this game. Denard Robinson scares me.


It's 5:12 pm and Michigan STILL sucks!
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We need to get RR's contract extended.

Michigan football coach Rich Rodriguez affirms program's progress

It's Ohio State week, the most important part of each season in Ann Arbor.

Yet Michigan coach Rich Rodriguez's most passionate words today were less about winning Saturday in Columbus and more when pressed about the program's progress.

"I'm more positive now than any time in the last 2? years that we'll be where we want to be," Rodriguez said.

When he was asked how long it will take to get there, he declined to give specifics.

"I don't want to give you and exact time frame, because you'll hold me to it," he said. Rodriguez said the time line has had to be extended for various reasons.

He also said he doesn't pay attention to the public's opinion's of him -- even if it has improved since U-M became bowl-eligible for the first time in his three seasons.

"We've had to take a tunnel-vision type of approach to the other stuff, because of what's been going on," he said, referring to off-field distractions. "I would do that either way. Even if there was no drama or there was a lot of drama, I've always believed you do it that way. I haven't changed anything in the last three weeks."

He noted that "everybody questions everything" in the modern world and "being a coach is like being a politician."

He hesitated when a reporter said the bottom-line evaluation is wins and losses. Rodriguez is 15-20 at Michigan, 7-4 this season.

"I've been fortunate to win some games and have some success, and I didn't get this job at Michigan by getting a lottery ticket (that) said, 'Congratulations, you're the coach at Michigan,'" he said, referring to his tenure at West Virginia. "We didn't get stupid overnight and all that when we lost a few games, whether it was at West Virginia, here or anywhere else. I think there's always more to it. There's always more to building a program than what's written, too."
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Comments are full of win;

Plutocracy wrote:

Little Richie was in his 5th grade class when the teacher asked the children what their fathers did for a living. All the typical answers came up? fireman, policeman, salesman, etc.

Little Richie was being uncharacteristically quiet and so the teacher asked him about his father. ?My father?s an exotic dancer in a gay cabaret and takes off all his clothes in front of other men. Sometimes, if the offer?s really good, he?ll go out to the alley with some guy and make love with him for money.?

The teacher, obviously shaken by this statement, hurriedly set the other children to work on some coloring, and took little Richie aside to ask him, ?Is that really true about your father??

?No,? said little Richie, ?He coaches Michigan football, but I was too embarrassed to say that in front of the other kids.?
11/22/2010 5:30:50 PM

Bill45 wrote:

Dave Brandon (DB) evaluates a Domino's store manager (SM).

DB: When you took over the store, your predecessors had annual profits of $800k or $900k for 40 straight years.

In year 1 you did just $300k. In year 2 $500k. Now, in year 3 $700k. Help me understand that.

SM: The previous manager used all the flour and left me with none so I had to grow all new wheat and mill it.

DB. Says here you also had the store stop selling pizza and instead sell gourmet food.

SM. Yep. And I need a special chef for that too. That's my system.

DB. Says here that a bunch of the delivery guys went with Little Caesars and now you dont have any delivery cars.

SM. I'm really the pizza guy. I put in my 2 cents about delivery when I have time. But ya know even Tom Monahan couldn't fix the delivery problems I have.

DB. The health department inspected and issued five major violations.

SM. Disgruntled former drivers and the local rag exagerrated. No rats. Just mice.

Brandon does what?

11/22/2010 6:12:56 PM
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sandgk;1818108; said:
Hi BP denizens - it is that week, again.

Go Bucks!! :osu:

Beat TSUN and give JT a shiny 9-1 record :biggrin:

That is all.

For anyone wondering where the heck has I've been ... I've been damned busy these last few months - in a very good way.
Welcome back sir. Glad to hear you benefited from avoiding us :p
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ant80;1817027; said:
I have a bad feeling about this game. Denard Robinson scares me. If we stop him, we'll win, but will we stop him? I hope so. This is going to be a regular game, not a one sided one.

There's too much emotion for this to be a regular game. I will say that we are a better balanced team than they are and will have no problems containing him. I will also say that our WRs will have a big day and multiple TDs will be scored. Mix that with a full dose of Boom and Zoom, the Buckeyes playing at home on senior day will be explosive! Watch this video of Cie Grant singing Carmen Ohio and think about the fact that this will be the last time THE GAME is played by the seniors.

Go Bucks. :osu: O -HI -O

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8eW2ZBU9UHI"]YouTube - Cie Grant sings Carmen Ohio[/ame]
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Anyone attend the pep rally tonight? Gordon Gee, Gene Smith, B-Rolle, Cam, and Homan spoke. But the highlight was this on campus club 'for sportsmanship' this kid got up on stage and said 'lets show the country we are the best fans in the land and cheer for the Bucks but welcome in the Michigan fans' BOOOOOOOOOO's throughout the Archie Griffin Ballroom LOL he tried to continue on with the virtues of sportsmanship but the boos and heckles only discouraged him further.....it was hilarious!!!!!! I wish I had better pictures but everything I took looked lousy for as big and dark as that ballroom was, but wow what an ideal place for a wedding reception.
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